
Opinion – The Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on European Nationalism

David Pimenta • May 11 2022 • Articles

A revival of nationalism across Europe is a scenario that should not be excluded, especially if the economy deteriorates and insecurity increases.

Ukraine War: The Limits of Traditional Naval Power and the Rise of Collective and Civilian Seapower

Basil Germond • May 10 2022 • Articles

If Russia manages to control all of the Ukrainian coast, this will negatively impact on Ukraine’s ability to resist and further strain global food security.

Opinion – Germany’s Flawed Russia Policy Has Its Roots in a Misreading of History

Björn Alexander Düben • May 9 2022 • Articles

For decades, German policy towards Putin’s Russia was beset by dangerous delusions based on a rather selective grasp of which lessons to draw from Germany’s own history.

Plus Ça Change: Russian Invasions of Ukraine, Past and Present

Stephen Velychenko • May 9 2022 • Articles

Repeating what their predecessors had done in previous centuries, in 2022 Russia ordered a systematic killing of Ukrainian civilians in an attempt to keep Ukraine under Russian control.

Opinion – On 9 May Putin’s Russia Will Glorify War and Stalin

Taras Kuzio • May 9 2022 • Articles

Putin’s so-called de-Nazification has nothing to do with combating Nazis in Ukraine and everything to do with the xenophobic Stalinist and racist climate in Putin’s Russia.

The Glasnevin Necrology Memorial: Exhibiting Ireland’s Dark Heritage

Martin Duffy • May 8 2022 • Articles

Far from memorializing the dead, enduring controversy just shows how far Ireland remains steeped in dark heritage.

Revitalizing the Commonwealth Framework: A Political Tool for Australia and the UK?

Eerishika Pankaj • May 5 2022 • Articles

For Australia, the Commonwealth connect would deepen existing links with India and others, allowing it to push forth its own strategies.

Opinion – Macron’s Challenging Vision for Europe in Wartime

Alexander Brotman • May 1 2022 • Articles

The forces of populism are far from neutered and will need to be addressed by leaders of both the right and the left on both sides of the Atlantic.

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and the Return of Civilisational Politics: An American and French Tale

Chia-Yu Liang and Ferran Perez Mena • Apr 27 2022 • Articles

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has emerged in a broader historical context of deglobalisation and a fractured global economy.

Challenging Information Control with Communication Technologies in Syria

Mark Barrow • Apr 26 2022 • Articles

The application of communication technologies enables Syrian citizen journalists to provide valuable coverage of the conflict’s ongoing atrocities.

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