
Cultural and Artistic Expressions of Haitians on Mexicali, Baja California

In migrant spaces, customs and traditions are printed, endowed and expressed – providing meaning and symbolism in and towards a space.

The Xukuru Vision of Sacred Agriculture as a Counter-Hegemonic Proposal

The knowledge and practices of care seek to heal, through agricultural-spiritual systems, the impacts of territorial invasion.

The Internationalization of the Landless Workers Movement in Latin America

A revolutionary process must be internationalist, otherwise it won’t have the strength to confront a system so transnationalized like capitalism.

Opinion – A New Cold War?

Campbell Craig • Apr 25 2022 • Articles

Saying that we are entering a new Cold War is a tempting option for politicians to raise alarm and demonstrate their toughness, a tactic perfected in Washington over the past 70 years.

Opinion – South Koreans Support Unification, But Do They Support Integration?

Reunification should be conceptualized as not just the end of conflict, but also as the start of new sources of tension.

Decolonising Politics and Constructing Worlds in the Everyday through Zapatista Autonomy

Sebastián Granda Henao • Apr 24 2022 • Articles

Zapatista autonomy rearticulates the dynamics of power and enacts an acknowledgement of other worlds beyond the world of capitalist destruction.

Messages from the Meek: Dynamic Resistance at the Edge of Amazonian Colonization and Capitalism

Christian Ferreira Crevels • Apr 24 2022 • Articles

Detailing local history is crucial to an understanding of how the intersubjectivity of coloniality came to reach groups with great differences in ideology.

Female Education in Afghanistan After the Return of the Taliban

Grant Farr • Apr 23 2022 • Articles

Despite promises, the Taliban reversed course on full access to education. As a result, Afghanistan remains isolated from international recognition and Afghans continue to suffer.

Russia’s War Goals in Ukraine

David R. Marples • Apr 21 2022 • Articles

There is no obvious end point or exit point for Putin as his goal is to win and occupy a vast territory and to be recognized as a victorious conqueror that has restored the glory of Russia.

Agroecology, Climate Change Induced Polycrisis and the Transformation of Food Systems

Miguel A Altieri • Apr 20 2022 • Articles

Heroic efforts displayed by peasants and indigenous people represent spaces of hope against the weight of ecological breakdown and social injustice.

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