
Decolonizing South-South Cooperation: An Analytical Framework

The peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean design and practice forms of existence based on ancestral epistemological and ontological structures.

New Book – Decolonizing Politics and Theories from the Abya Yala

Aura Cumes • Apr 9 2022 • Articles

This book has important contributions, but it has a greater virtue – to generate concerns of various topics from decolonial thought of great relevance at this time for the social sciences.

Armed Actors in the Colombian Conflict: State vs Armed Groups

The presence of social, political and economic uncertainty is pertinent when we talk about an inefficient state and an organized group which confronts it.

Opinion – The Russia-Ukraine War from the Perspective of a Data Scientist

Maarten Wensink • Apr 7 2022 • Articles

With its free press, the West is collecting an ever-growing wealth of data on the world. Yet these data are compatible with so many narratives that we remain blind and unbelieved.

Latin American Antiphilosophies

Christina Soto van der Plas • Apr 7 2022 • Articles

Truths exist in a space and time, and not in the vacuum that Europe promotes in order to preserve the character of ‘universal’ history.

Sri Lanka’s Economic Crisis: The Chinese Model in Operation

Jabin T Jacob • Apr 5 2022 • Articles

For Beijing, contending with rival powers across the world for an equal or greater share of influence is seen as necessary to underline the Communist Party’s legitimacy at home and abroad.

Securitisation and Vernacular Discussions of Terrorism on Social Media

Social media users are not only aware of the dominant narratives produced in the wake of an attack, but that they also shape and challenge them.

Decolonizing Environmental Politics: Sumak Kawsay as a Possible Moral Foundation for Green Policies

Valeria Victoria Rodríguez Morales • Apr 1 2022 • Articles

Sumak kawsay constitutes an axiological system that could morally base international agreements in order to preserve the environment in Abya Yala.

Responses From Central Asian States to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Beate Eschment • Mar 31 2022 • Articles

Declarations of neutrality appear hard-won and far from pro-Russian, given the multiple dependencies of the Central Asian states on all-powerful Russia.

The UN’s Role in The Institutional Abuse of Children: Wronged or Wrongdoer?

Carolyn M. Evans • Mar 30 2022 • Articles

The scholarship on the institutional abuse of children illustrates why the UN should more closely consider such cases to find better responses.

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