
Opinion – The Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Between Solidarity and Whataboutism

Ikenna Steve Nweke • Mar 28 2022 • Articles

The attempt to employ whataboutisms in defence of Russia by citing intervention in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya exposes the shallowness of such argumentation.

Opinion – The Russia-Ukraine Crisis and Central African Ramifications

Ben Jackson • Mar 26 2022 • Articles

The CAR has become highly reliant on Russian military for its security, and this dependency may grow into a wider issue the longer the conflict in Ukraine continues.

Decoloniality and Contemporary Regionalism in ALBA

Alina Ribeiro and Marina Scotelaro • Mar 26 2022 • Articles

Neoliberalism did not provide sufficient solutions to the crises of the integration model in Latin America. As a result, emancipatory approaches are gradually gaining space in knowledge production.

Opinion – Political Positionality and the War in the Ukraine

David Chandler • Mar 25 2022 • Articles

It would be nice to pretend that we still lived in a modernist world of meaningful choices, where taking sides was part of a broader grand narrative of struggle and progress.

The End of an Exceptional History: Re-Thinking the EU-Russia Arctic Relationship

Andreas Raspotnik and Andreas Østhagen • Mar 23 2022 • Articles

Putin’s invasion of Ukraine may lead to the geopolitical awakening of the European Union and a renewed focus on the Arctic relationship with Russia.

From Transnational to Transcalar: Re-envisioning Advocacy in a Changing World

Christopher L. Pallas and Elizabeth Bloodgood • Mar 22 2022 • Articles

Transcalar advocacy transcends different scales of action, such as the regional or national, and discards many prior assumptions about advocacy.

Opinion – Holding Russia Accountable?

Cecilia Ducci • Mar 21 2022 • Articles

Given that it has attracted the world’s attention, the Ukraine v. Russia case may represent either a turning point for international law or a further confirmation of the narrow conceptualization of the crime of genocide.

Opinion – Humanitarianism and the Internationalisation of the War in Ukraine

David Chandler • Mar 21 2022 • Articles

The internationalisation of the conflict can be destabilising because there is less pressure to find the compromises necessary for peace agreement.

Civil Society Actors and the Challenge of Dark Heritage in Bosnia

Martin Duffy • Mar 21 2022 • Articles

In Bosnia, as in the case of Northern Ireland, civil society efforts to build peace may encapsulate the concept of civil peace spaces.

Opinion – Europe’s Division Deepens with Russia’s Council of Europe Expulsion

Andreas N. Ludwig • Mar 18 2022 • Articles

Putin has abandoned the common European framework of values and law (if he ever shared it) and is instead forcing Russia into an open attack against it.

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