
Opinion – The Climate and Democracy Costs of a Hydrocarbon Revival

Antulio Rosales • Mar 17 2022 • Articles

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has unleashed a scramble for traditional energy sources when it should, instead, be a time to plan for ways to wean the global economy from oil.

Opinion – ‘Resilient Ukraine’ and the Future of War in Europe

Julian Reid • Mar 17 2022 • Articles

Whatever states may gain from adopting a strategy of resilience, their societies will lose in terms of security as resilience is not a synonym for security.

Opinion – Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Leadership and Europeanness in Ukraine

Alexander Brotman • Mar 16 2022 • Articles

Zelenskyy is betting that his moral case will match the bureaucratic and democratic necessities demanded by Brussels in order to formally join the European Union.

Opinion – War in Ukraine: Why We Should Say No to International Civil Society

David Chandler • Mar 16 2022 • Articles

Totalizing moral binaries are particularly dangerous in the sphere of international relations, where international law lacks universal mechanisms of enforcement.

Opinion – Geographical Vicinity and Universal Values in the Light of the Ukraine Invasion

Vahagn Avedian • Mar 14 2022 • Articles

Responses to the Ukraine invasion put the spotlight on calls by numerous people who wonder where this outpouring of support was in their hour of need.

Understanding the Illegality of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Kieran O'Meara • Mar 13 2022 • Articles

Russia has not only broken international law in the most flagrant manner, but has devalued the system of norms, values and practices that underpins international society.

Opinion – A New World Order? From a Liberal to a Post-Western Order

Giorgio Shani and Hartmut Behr • Mar 13 2022 • Articles

The flooding of arms into Ukraine will neither bring peace, nor an end to fighting but a protracted war with civilian casualties and unforeseen consequences.

Colombia at the Crossroads? The Road Ahead in an Election Year

Christoph Sponsel • Mar 12 2022 • Articles

Colombia is set to elect a new Congress and, soon afterwards, a new president which will indicate whether it will join Latin America’s turn to the left.

Putin’s Risk Calculus in Ukraine: Realism and Identity in Great Power Competition

Suzanne Loftus • Mar 11 2022 • Articles

Even if Putin does stop at Ukraine, neighboring states can no longer feel safe as a new Iron Curtain has been raised in Europe.

World Security in the 21st Century: Re-evaluating Booth’s Approach to Critical Security Studies

Daniel Clausen • Mar 11 2022 • Articles

World Security works best when it is a community of lowercase ‘world securities’, fails ambitiously and continuously, collaborates, and learns.

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