
Opinion – Rethinking History in Light of Ukraine’s Resistance

Dmytro Roman Kulchitsky • Mar 3 2022 • Articles

Ukrainians are showing the world that the Ukrainian nation has always existed, and that they are prepared to pay the ultimate price to live in a free and democratic society.

Opinion – The Myth of Being Anti-Racist and Anti-War in the Ukraine Conflict

David Chandler • Mar 2 2022 • Articles

To refuse the discourses of war and racialization it is necessary to do more than place them in critical relation to those of anti-war and anti-racialization. Instead, we should refuse to distinguish the two.

The United Nations in Crisis: Geo-Political and Geo-Economic Challenges

Martin Duffy • Mar 2 2022 • Articles

The crisis facing the UN, as evidenced by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, is the single greatest threat to global security since its formation.

AI Enabled Decisions: Processes Not Binaries

Ian Reynolds • Mar 1 2022 • Articles

Technology does not appear in the world only for humans to then decide what to do about it, it is integrated into social systems and helps to shape the imaginable and possible.

Ceuta and Melilla: Pioneers of Post-Cold War Border Fortification

Jaume Castan Pinos • Feb 28 2022 • Articles

Old border fortresses serve as pretexts and inspirations for new walls and fences and remind us that we live in a world of borders rather than in a borderless world.

Opinion – Russian Motives in Ukraine and Western Response Options

Sebastian Schindler • Feb 28 2022 • Articles

Putin’s worldview is not uncommon and corresponds to that of Donald Trump, who immediately after the invasion of Ukraine commended Putin as a genius.

Devouring Brazilian Modernism: The Rise of Contemporary Indigenous Art

Gabriel Fernandes Caetano • Feb 24 2022 • Articles

Contemporary indigenous art rescues a series of ethical values that can help the world to overcome the civilizational crisis, and help Brazil to overcome political and environmental setbacks.

Vladimir Putin’s Imperialism and Military Goals Against Ukraine

Taras Kuzio • Feb 24 2022 • Articles

Russian great power nationalists led by Putin seek to wipe Ukraine and the Ukrainian people from the map of Europe and massively abuse human rights.

Why Is There No Minor International Theory?

Nicholas Michelsen • Feb 22 2022 • Articles

It is time to let ‘Critical IR’ go as a term. It gives succour to some of the least admirable of academic impulses and undermines the very conditions for critique.

Opinion – The Silencing of Amnesty International’s Report on Israeli Apartheid

Jeff Handmaker • Feb 18 2022 • Articles

Racism in Israel is multi-layered and arguably not unique in comparison with other countries. However, in the context of an institutionalized regime of legal apartheid, its impact on Palestinians is devastating.

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