
Opinion – Looking Behind the Delimitation Exercise in Jammu and Kashmir

Maqsood Hussain • Dec 31 2021 • Articles

The latest developments will enable Modi’s ruling BJP to form a government in the state with the support of any convenient party.

Debating the Legacies of James M. Buchanan and Neoliberalism

Craig R. Myers • Dec 28 2021 • Articles

In recent years, neoliberal scholars have sought to defend the idea’s foundations and founders against academic attacks.

‘My Order, My Rules’: China and the American Rules-Based Order in Historical Perspective

William M. Zolinger Fujii • Dec 28 2021 • Articles

Faced with a rising and revisionist China, the US has come to emphasise the maintenance of a rules-based order as a substitute for what it sees as American rules and order.

Opinion – Omicron and Navigating the New Normal with Covid-19

Alexander Brotman • Dec 24 2021 • Articles

The course of the pandemic is now a policy choice that can either be prolonged by entrenched vaccine nationalism or shortened by a focus on the collective global goodwill.

Mustafa Shokay and the Soviet Propaganda Machine

Wilder Alejandro Sánchez • Dec 24 2021 • Articles

The restoration of Shokay’s name and legacy should serve as an encouragement to further research the role of Central Asian individuals during Soviet times and to help separate fact from fiction.

Indigenous Conflict Victims and the Growing Tent City in Bogotá

Christoph Sponsel • Dec 18 2021 • Articles

Structural change in rural Colombia and meaningful government action are required to sustainably alter the security and socio-economic situation of indigenous communities.

The ‘Failure of Critical Theory’ as an Ideological Discourse

Beate Jahn • Dec 18 2021 • Articles

The pressures of neoliberalism generate a discourse that challenges critical theory’s core principles and thus undermines its ability keep alive the theoretical possibility of a just and humane society.

Opinion – Negotiating the US-China Phase One Deal

Bashar H. Malkawi • Dec 16 2021 • Articles

Putting aside political rhetoric, opening the Phase One Deal to re-adjustment and negotiations seems the plausible option in the short term.

Remote Warfare: A Debate Worth the Buzz?

Despite its definitional and conceptual ambiguities, remote warfare scholarship has invited creative thinking on many different issues connected to conflict.

The Legacy of Russian Ballet Diplomacy

Tatiana A. Slokvenko and Anna A. Velikaya • Dec 11 2021 • Articles

The distinctive traditional features of Russian ballet are relative to the image of Russia that is being promoted in its official diplomacy today.

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