
Opinion – Uzbekistan at A Political Crossroads?

Martin Duffy • Nov 7 2021 • Articles

Regrettably, following this election day, as those before it, Uzbekistan remains one of the most repressive regimes in the world.

Opinion – Are Peacemakers Really Blessed?

Mukesh Kapila • Nov 4 2021 • Articles

Premature awards to Henry Kissinger, Aung San Suu Kyi and Abiy Ahmed indicate that ‘God’ and the Nobel Committee don’t always keep the same standards.

Opinion – Scotland: Host of COP26 but Divided on Its Role in the World

Anthony Salamone • Nov 2 2021 • Articles

Alongside its global significance for the ongoing effort to tackle climate change, COP26 also exposes the deep divisions which shape Scottish politics.

La Patrulla Feminista: Feminist Grassroots Interventions in Southern Mexico

Franco Laguna Correa • Nov 1 2021 • Articles

The future success of feminists groups resides in finding points of encounter to establish a more cohesive and effective dialogue with society.

Troubling International Human Rights Advocacy

Yih Ren • Oct 28 2021 • Articles

With people’s precious identities being their detriments, we need to declare our values, voices, and positionality to abolish colonial episteme and reconstruct our social relations.

Opinion – The Status of China’s Confucius Institutes in American Universities

Craig R. Myers • Oct 27 2021 • Articles

Regardless of the context, the PRC’s PR professionals did not need an office on American campuses as Great Power competition moves beyond the soft power stage.

Opinion – Saving Myanmar?

Martin Duffy • Oct 25 2021 • Articles

With no sign of junta retrenchment, the big question remains as to how even a vestige of Myanmar’s democracy can be salvaged from the spoils of coup.

Reimagining Susan Strange’s States and Markets: Small and Medium Enterprises in Fragile Situations

Maribel Daño-Luna and Earl John Orio • Oct 24 2021 • Articles

Local businesses in fragile and conflict-affected situations, such as in Mindanao, can link to the global economy and bridge the isolation narrative.

Space Stations and International Politics

Aleksander M. Lubojemski • Oct 23 2021 • Articles

It is difficult not to see the symbolism of a decaying ISS under American leadership and a materialising Chinese Tiangong with more and more countries wishing to participate.

Opinion – China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Pragmatism over Morals?

Tabita Rosendal • Oct 18 2021 • Articles

Despite criticism, the Belt and Road Initiative and the pragmatic values associated with Chinese investments are unlikely to lose popularity any time soon.

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