
Turkey: Unopposed in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea

Mark Bhaskar • Oct 16 2021 • Articles

The gap in military power between Turkey and its adversaries is growing with few demonstrable measures taken by Mediterranean powers to compensate and rebalance the region.

Opinion – Indian Politics in the Age of Neoliberalism

Yanis Iqbal • Oct 16 2021 • Articles

Indian politics needs to reject electoral objectification – the conversion of subalterns into electoral objects that are identical with all the other objects, differing from them only by their serial number.

Opinion – Taiwan’s Almighty Squeeze

Martin Duffy • Oct 14 2021 • Articles

The resounding re-election of President Tsai Ing-wen in 2020 reflects a steely determination on the part of the Taiwanese to resist the ‘almighty squeeze’ China is seeking to impose on them.

The Appropriation of ‘Curiosity’

Lorenzo Kamel • Oct 12 2021 • Articles

Progress comes by opposing the process by which non-Western peoples are viewed as passive, weak and disinterested, while enabling the retrieval of different ways of knowing and understanding the epistemologies of the South.

Opinion – A State of Emergency at the Polish-Belarusian Border

Monika Kabata • Oct 12 2021 • Articles

Neither the EU nor Poland has a long-term plan for how to manage migration which can only be expected to increase due to political destabilisation and climate crisis.

Opinion – Anti-Blackness: A Go-to Foreign Policy?

Christiane Ndedi Essombe • Oct 11 2021 • Articles

As long as predominantly Black countries themselves do not acknowledge and challenge anti-Blackness within their societies and in western quarters, nothing will change.

Opinion – Georgia’s Democracy Still in Peril

Martin Duffy • Oct 9 2021 • Articles

It seems unlikely that a new reconciliation spirit for coalition-building will emerge. Instead, Georgia’s politicians will engage in another dogfight over the corpse of a tentative democracy.

Visa Policies as Externalisation Practices in the Global South

Natalia Cintra • Oct 2 2021 • Articles

It is key to engage in a more ample debate over how visa policies and other practices in the Global South contribute in shifting these countries’ borders.

Re-Curating Painful Pasts: Decolonizing and Regendering War Memorials and Monuments

Jessica Mukai and Audrey Reeves • Sep 30 2021 • Articles

Even if they integrate decolonial thinking, memorials do not present a full picture if they focus on men’s experiences while silencing women’s stories.

Climate Change, Human Mobility and Feminist Political Economy

Betty Barkha • Sep 30 2021 • Articles

The responses to climate change mitigation efforts need to be targeted at not only addressing climate change impacts but also reducing gender and social inequalities.

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