
Theatres of Difference: The Film ‘Hair’, Otherness, Alterity, Subjectivity and Lessons for Identity Politics

Patricia Sohn • Sep 28 2021 • Articles

‘Hair’ is an historical document reminding us of divides long present in our society. We have learned a great deal in the decades since it was released.

Opinion – What Climate ‘Code Red’ Means for Africa

Mukesh Kapila • Sep 28 2021 • Articles

The relentless progression of climate change poses an existentialist threat to African peoples. It needs a Pan-African effort for which the African Union is the logical body.

AUKUS: Recalling Legacies of Anglo-Saxonism and Muffling the Voices of Island Nations

Jeffrey Geiger • Sep 25 2021 • Articles

The island nations of the Indian Ocean and Oceania should be the primary stakeholders and decision makers in this longstanding jockeying for power.

Towards a Better Understanding of the Underlying Conditions of Coups in Africa

Muhammad Dan Suleiman • Sep 24 2021 • Articles

The conditions that incited old coups across Africa are still present. Only that they now operate in a different post-9//11 and, perhaps, Covid-19 historical moments.

Opinion – US Artillery: Crusader is Out, What is Next?

Robert Palmer • Sep 23 2021 • Articles

War is not simply about having the biggest gun, it’s about having the right gun. It is likely that the US army will resort to howitzers more similar to French artillery in the near future.

Turkey’s Role in Syria: A Prototype of its Regional Policy in the Middle East

Shaimaa Magued • Sep 21 2021 • Articles

The Arab uprisings have interrupted the conciliatory course of bilateral relations and disturbed the normative framework of Turkish diplomacy in the region.

A Totalitarianism of Our Time: What Arendt Tells Us About Environmental Injustice

Carly A. Krakow • Sep 21 2021 • Articles

Arendt’s works show us that International law, and international human rights, only have meaning when justice is achieved locally.

Explaining Bipartisan Support for the US Innovation and Competition Act

Benjamin Smith • Sep 17 2021 • Articles

The ICA received bipartisan support due to both parties perceiving China’s authoritarianism similarly. Yet, partisanship remained active throughout negotiations.

The International Political Economy of Health: The Covid-19 Vaccine Distribution

Mohid Iftikhar • Sep 14 2021 • Articles

For global cooperation on common threats, the complex composition of regional-multipolar systems must be considered as rising and regional powers compete for resources.

“No Friend of Iran”: Tehran’s Responses to the Taliban’s Return to Power in Afghanistan

Jamsheed K. Choksy and Carol E. B. Choksy • Sep 13 2021 • Articles

Part of Tehran’s outreach to the Taliban has been to blame Afghanistan’s chaos on the US. But, past events suggest that the Taliban is no friend of Iran.

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