
No Clear Winner, One Clear Loser in Afghanistan

Gabriel Honrada and Daniyal Ranjbar • Aug 25 2021 • Articles

The Afghanistan conflict has provided the necessary dynamics of instability without stable institutions, making it an inviting strategic space for competing parties.

What Does Our Recent Past Tell Us About the Future of Peruvian Democracy?

Italo Beltrão Sposito • Aug 24 2021 • Articles

Despite finally recognizing her defeat, Fujimori’s political history and style show that she will use aggressive tactics to hamper Castillo’s conditions to govern.

Europe’s Hegemon? The Nature of German Power During Europe’s Crisis Decade

Alberto Cunha • Aug 23 2021 • Articles

In light of a series of recent events such as the migrant crisis and Brexit, Germans increasingly want to discuss their role in the EU and how better to use German power.

Opinion – The Fate and the Folly of the US Withdrawal from Afghanistan

Alexander Brotman • Aug 22 2021 • Articles

Whether or not America’s allies are willing to go along with Biden and bet on America’s enlightened return is the critical question in the wake of Afghanistan’s fall.

Opinion – What If Afghanistan Had Its Own Gandhi?

Jaimin Parikh • Aug 19 2021 • Articles

The lesson of Afghanistan seen through the eyes of Gandhi is that one cannot expect that peace, stability, nationalism, and conflict resolution can be enforced through violence.

Opinion – Rwanda and the DRC: Converging at Last?

Edoardo Monaco • Aug 18 2021 • Articles

Good neighbourly relations after years of conflict, acrimony and wasted opportunities can significantly improve the chances for both nations to positively impact one another.

Opinion – #arrestlucknowgirl: A Reminder of India’s Postcolonial Desire to Control Women

Ankita Rathour • Aug 18 2021 • Articles

We should begin engaging with postcolonial Indian feminist consciousness by denouncing violence strongly without universalizing a stand-alone issue.

Managing China’s Rise: Lessons from 1914

Andrew Latham • Aug 16 2021 • Articles

That China is seeking to move to the center stage of world politics, no one can doubt. That this will inevitably result in war is a much more dubious proposition.

Opinion – The Olympic Games as a Reflection of Global Power

Lev Topor • Aug 15 2021 • Articles

The balance of power should not be measured only by military power or economics but also by analyzing mega-events like the Olympics where nations that dominate the podium also dominate the global arena.

75 Years Post-Independence, India’s Tryst with Fear

Ajay Gudavarthy • Aug 13 2021 • Articles

India’s independence is marked by an absence of freedom for swathes of its dispossessed population – a society where violence is so complete that it is almost invisible.

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