
‘Effective, Deployable, Accountable: Pick Two’: Regulating Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems

John Williams • Aug 12 2021 • Articles

LAWS regulation looks as though it may be an object lesson in the risks of seeing ideational social-structural phenomena as material and immutable.

Will China-US Great Power Competition Lead to War? A Thomistic Perspective

Andrew Latham • Aug 12 2021 • Articles

It is reasonable to expect that China will intensify its strategic campaign to displace the US in the Indo-Pacific and as the hegemonic power on the world stage.

Opinion – Discriminatory Ice Cream?

Alexander Loengarov • Aug 10 2021 • Articles

Ben & Jerry’s market is concerned with left-wing causes like social rights, racial justice and environmental sustainability. For a large part of that constituency, the Palestinian issue is another top-rank concern.

Opinion – A Feminist Foreign Policy for India: Where to Turn?

Khushi Singh Rathore • Aug 6 2021 • Articles

One can find various forms of feminist consciousness rooted in anti-imperial political thought and an early blueprint of what is today called feminist foreign policy.

Moldova and the Transnistria Conflict: Still a Regional Cold War?

Martin Duffy • Aug 3 2021 • Articles

Transnistria remains a ticking time-bomb severing the mainstream European leanings of Moldova’s majority community from its beleaguered Russians.

Unthinkable and Invisible International Relations

Zeynep Gülşah Çapan • Jul 29 2021 • Articles

Attempts at addressing the Eurocentrism of the field have predominantly focused on how to make present what was absented from the narrative of the making of the international.

The Appeals and the Limits of Digital Education in the Post-Covid Era

Sirvan Karimi • Jul 28 2021 • Articles

Contrary to the views of its exponents, online teaching neither reduces educational costs nor enhances the learning capacity of students.

Where Angels Fear to Tread: How to Make Global Business Responsible

David Kinley • Jul 19 2021 • Articles

As Keynes suggested, a market economy will not benefit all of society until such time as we can get rid of capitalism’s objectionable features.

Opinion – The Hypocrisy of the UK Government’s Plans for Girl’s Education in the Global South

Keya Khandaker • Jul 19 2021 • Articles

Girls‘ education is instrumentalised to mask deep financial cuts for aid agencies and shift the burden of responsibility.

The South Tyrol Model: Ethnic Pacification in a Nutshell

Roland Benedikter • Jul 19 2021 • Articles

The arrangement of the autonomous area may provide a counter-model to the return of political tribalism in the clothes of ethnonationalism.

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