
Is China Under-Exploiting One Legal Avenue in the South China Sea?

He Xiaheng Derek • Jul 17 2021 • Articles

Beijing faces a legal quandary between tacitly admitting the continued ROC presence on Taiwan and not making full use of the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty.

Prosecuting Heads of State: Sovereignty Immunity and the Anti-Impunity Norm

Yuna Han • Jul 16 2021 • Articles

Black-boxing the internal structure of the norm pushes us to think about contestation surrounding particular behavioural prescriptions in overly dichotomous terms.

Adorno on Late Modernity and Unfreedom: Reflections in a Global Era

Silviya Lechner • Jul 16 2021 • Articles

Adorno further alerts us to the threat that Fascism might reappear in novel historical forms. If he is right, all contemporary societies in late modernity contain fascist elements in one form or another.

Where is God in the Anthropocene?

Maximilian Lakitsch • Jul 16 2021 • Articles

The post-anthropocentric turn into a posthuman world is at the same time a turn towards a materialist world. There, the ideas of ideality and transcendence seem difficult to uphold.

By Our Own Hands and by Theirs: Africans and the Nervousness to Belong

Benjamin Maiangwa and Christiane Essombe • Jul 16 2021 • Articles

We must move beyond partisanship and forge a truly inclusive place on our own terms where Africans can finally belong, exist without being erased.

‘NGOization’: From Activism to Advocacy

Paula Lobato Gonzalez • Jul 15 2021 • Articles

NGOs have moved from ‘engaging with’ to ‘talking about’ social and political concerns – reshaping the paradigms of social action and political change.

Opinion – The ICC and Non-State Actors in the Xinjiang Crisis

Wilder Alejandro Sánchez • Jul 15 2021 • Articles

Amidst inaction, Beijing will have more opportunities to use its influence on the international community to stop investigations and deflect accusations.

Nagorno-Karabakh: The Endless Conflict in the Black Garden

Roland Benedikter • Jul 14 2021 • Articles

For Nagorno-Karabakh, any conflict resolution strategy will have to move consciously between what is possible and what cannot be influenced.

Chile and the Overcoming of Neoliberalism: Countering Authoritarianism and the Self-Regulated Market

Felipe Costa Lima • Jul 14 2021 • Articles

The challenge of the Chilean left appears to be holding its institutional force and expanding its ideological apparatus.

Opinion – Argentinian President Alberto Fernandez’s Diplomatic Mishap Amidst Crisis

Franco Laguna Correa • Jul 13 2021 • Articles

Amidst the social and economic decay brought by the once celebrated engineers of neoliberalism, Argentina is descending further into crisis.

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