
A Seat at the Table Is Not Enough: The Failings of Brazil’s Renova Foundation

Rajiv Maher • Jun 28 2021 • Articles

A global standard on access to remedy for victims of mass corporate irresponsibility should outlaw such deceitful manoeuvres by private actors.

Nineteenth Century Migration Trends and the Role of Women

Kendra Morancy • Jun 28 2021 • Articles

Trends in migration concerning women are driven by the same factors. These include poverty, social transformations, gender inequalities, and policy changes.

Assessing One-State and Two-State Proposals to Solve the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Jeremy Pressman • Jun 27 2021 • Articles

On four criteria for comparing the two options, a two-state solution probably fares better, but neither option looks especially promising or easier to achieve.

Unaccompanied Children on the Move: From Central America to the US via Mexico

Monica Trigos Padilla • Jun 27 2021 • Articles

The social, economic and political environment that surrounds unaccompanied minors determines their decision to look for a better future far from their home.

Migration Management and Safe Migration along the Indonesia-Malaysia Corridor

Oanh K. Nguyen • Jun 26 2021 • Articles

Malaysia and Indonesia have worked to create institutions and mechanisms aimed at ensuring that foreign workers travel through safe, regular channels for migration.

Beyond Coloniality of Internationalism

Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni • Jun 24 2021 • Articles

We currently live not only in an epistemically colonized world but also in a colonially ‘regulated world’ in favour of powerful capitalists and besieged by contestations, resistance and struggles for change.

Recognition and Protection of Environmental Migrants in International Law

Chiara Scissa • Jun 24 2021 • Articles

Several UN arrangements explicitly recognize environmental migration, but lack of binding force. Conversely, binding instruments are too weakly implemented.

Transnational Governance as a Framework for Migration Control

Alma Stankovic • Jun 23 2021 • Articles

Core countries, those receiving immigrants, tend to be the ones setting the rules not just when it comes to their own immigration laws, but also laws and policies affecting their neighbors.

English with a Non-Native Accent as a Basis for Stigma and Discrimination in the US

Meltem Yilmaz Sener • Jun 23 2021 • Articles

Non-native accent discrimination is not usually considered discrimination by the US public, leading to large gaps in social research.

How London’s Latin American Women Make Families, Communities and Rights Visible

Domiziana Turcatti • Jun 22 2021 • Articles

Confining migrant women’s social reproductive work to the private realm of domesticity prevents us from appreciating its political and public dimensions.

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