
Positionality in IR: Concepts, History, and the Haitian Revolution

Taylor Borowetz • Jun 7 2021 • Articles

We irrevocably mark, and are irrevocably marked by, the knowledge we produce. A deep understanding of positionality nterrogates the histories within which those utterances are salient.

Social Auditing: Legitimising Global Brands’ Irresponsibility?

There is a need for an ethical turn in global supply chain relationships that extend market-based arguments which privilege the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor and vulnerable.

Celebrity, Social Media and Disputes Over Taiwan’s Sovereignty

Support for #TaiwanIsACountry suggests that social movements dovetail with diplomatic developments and have leverage in shaping them.

Intersectional Decoloniality: Listening to the Other ‘Others’

Marcos S. Scauso • Jun 4 2021 • Articles

Fruitfully sustaining a dilemma or paradox teaches us to create a different kind of decolonial approach, enabling action while also treasuring the reflexivity and circularity of a more humble starting point.

At the EU-Turkey Border, Human Rights Violations are No Longer Clandestine Operations

Meredith Veit and Flo Strass • Jun 3 2021 • Articles

If the Greek islands are closing down legitimate operations for humanitarian assistance, it will take a large toll on migrants and EU citizens alike.

The European Peace Facility and the Legitimation of European Arms Exports

Marijn Hoijtink and Hanna L. Muehlenhoff • Jun 1 2021 • Articles

The EPF accelerates the EU’s turn to militarism and masculinised power, while also raising questions about how risk management practices deem military assistance and arms provisions legitimate.

Rejected Asylum Claims and Children in International Human Rights Law

Anne-Cecile Leyvraz • May 30 2021 • Articles

An international perspective creates a counter-narrative on migration that stands out from state-centered discourses on irregularity and fights against abuses.

Opinion – COVID-19’s Wider Impact on Mexican Society

Franco Laguna Correa • May 28 2021 • Articles

The vaccination campaign, and ultimately Covid-19 itself, have been used as an attempt to legitimize the populist governing style of the president.

Urbicide and the Subject of Politics: Notes on the Syrian Civil War

Gabriel Garroum • May 27 2021 • Articles

Spatial justice should entail a reconstruction model that restores the relationship of inhabitants to places so that return does not become alienation.

Opinion – China and the US in Israel: The Lucrative Versus the Indispensable?

Nicholas Lyall and Roie Yellinek • May 27 2021 • Articles

The economic value of Israel’s Chinese links are not sufficient to match the comprehensive nature of the US-Israeli partnership.

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