
Opinion – Human Rights: The Underlying Battlefield of the Wolf Warriors

Eric Chan • Apr 27 2021 • Articles

To re-legitimize human rights diplomacy, ‘simultaneous interpretive pluralism’ of human rights should be acknowledged with economic and social rights and good governance.

Opinion – Myanmar Needs Actions, Not Words

Khaing Sandi Win Min • Apr 27 2021 • Articles

As the military has turned to inhumanely killing, attacking and torturing civilians, the international community has the moral duty to step in and go beyond statements of condemnation and sanctions.

Human Mobility and Covid-19 in the Andean Region

Luisa Feline Freier and Soledad Castillo Jara • Apr 27 2021 • Articles

In times of COVID-19, the puzzle of right-wing South American presidents promoting integration and protection of Venezuelan forced migrants persists.

Managing a Crisis: Hezbollah’s Welfare Expansion

Giulia Dal Bello • Apr 26 2021 • Articles

Hezbollah has exploited the particular Lebanese situation to acquire power and recognition, specifically through implementing a wide assortment of welfare services.

A Foucauldian Reading of the Global Compact for Migration

Anna Closas Casasampera • Apr 26 2021 • Articles

Understanding security in its larger function of ordering the social illuminates the exceptionality surrounding human mobilities and challenges concepts such as ‘border’, and ‘citizenship’.

A Global Movement to End Violence against Women in Politics and Public Life

Mona Lena Krook • Apr 25 2021 • Articles

Expanding global attention on violence against women provides an unprecedented opportunity to build on this momentum.

The Compliance of Argentina’s Migration Law with Human Rights Discourse and Principles

Sabrina Andrea Avigliano • Apr 25 2021 • Articles

The Argentinian Republic is, at its core, a country of migrants. Yet, it is also subject to a shifting migration policy.

The Myanmar Conundrum: What Matters, and What Matters Less

Alfredo Zeli • Apr 23 2021 • Articles

As long as the root causes of what has been happening in Burma are not understood, the Myanmar conundrum proves to be mental before anything else.

Gender-Transformative Peacebuilding in Colombia

Mia Schöb • Apr 22 2021 • Articles

The ‘mini-state’ of the family is a core space where peace and state are built from the ground up, where gender norms are re-negotiated and transformed.

America’s Re-Engagement with the World and the Continued Importance of Diplomacy

Alastair Masser and Claire Yorke • Apr 22 2021 • Articles

For America’s diplomatic renaissance to succeed, it needs a more cooperative and open approach to the world.

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