
The Demonisation of Migrant Masculinities in British Politics

Lizzie Hobbs • Apr 20 2021 • Articles

The only way to stop the violence enacted on the border is through a collective politics rather than hierarchising migrants based upon constructed categories of deservingness.

Opinion – Brexit and the Continued Troubles in Northern Ireland

Alexander Brotman • Apr 20 2021 • Articles

The ultimate casualty of Brexit, witnessed so vividly in Northern Ireland, is the breakdown of community relations and the reinforcement of identity barriers, and thus segregation.

State Social Media and National Security Strategy: Israel’s Operation Protective Edge

Marisa Tramontano • Apr 20 2021 • Articles

The IDF’s imagery showcases the durable background symbols that make social media posts powerful, effective, and convincing.

Himalayan Geopolitics: Contemporary Analysis of Sino-Nepali Relations

Bibek Chand • Apr 19 2021 • Articles

China and Nepal have begun forging closer ties with each other, potentially adding tension to the already contentious state of Sino-Indian relations.

Opinion – The US-Japan Alliance Continues to Stand for Democracy, Despite a Role Reversal

Tongfi Kim • Apr 18 2021 • Articles

Tokyo and Washington must voice consistent advocacy of democracy and show the multifaceted power of a democratic alliance.

Opinion – How Formidable is the Rightward Shift in India?

Ajay Gudavarthy • Apr 17 2021 • Articles

The claim to a common Hindu identity allowed the BJP to offer more representation to subaltern castes, yet argue they are above caste and community.

Teaching International Relations as a Liberal Art

Lisa MacLeod • Apr 16 2021 • Articles

Teaching International Relations as a liberal art is about nurturing your students’ love of learning and coaching them to become better critical thinkers and communicators.

Decolonising Development: Putting Life at the Centre

Gisela Carrasco-Miró • Apr 14 2021 • Articles

Without being able to think about fragility, we cannot think about revolution, and by thinking about revolution, we are already dismantling the resistance to fragility precisely to resist.

Rethinking Chinese School of IR from the Perspective of Strategic Essentialism

Yih-Jye Hwang • Apr 13 2021 • Articles

The Chinese School has stimulated discussions, ignited debates, and sparked inspiration by challenging Western hegemony within international relations.

Opinion – China’s Wolf Warrior Propaganda Versus Western Criticism in the Xinjiang Cotton Crisis

Lin Pu • Apr 10 2021 • Articles

China reframes criticism into the defaming of China and all Chinese people so it can further legitimate its rule and repressive policies in Xinjiang.

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