
Terrorism in Africa: Explaining the Rise of Extremist Violence Against Civilians

Joseph Mroszczyk and Max Abrahms • Apr 9 2021 • Articles

As the US and other Western powers pivot towards threats posed by China and Russia, terrorist organizations will have more freedom to maneuver.

The Battle for Bengal: Regional Resonance

Indrajit Roy • Apr 7 2021 • Articles

The results of the West Bengal elections are likely to impact not only its own 100 million population, but also the 163 million people inhabiting neighbouring Bangladesh.

Transnational Feminist Networks and Contemporary Crises

Valentine M. Moghadam • Apr 6 2021 • Articles

Working with civil society and social movement partners and with allies in IGOs, transnational feminist activism spans local, national, regional, and global terrains, and has become a fixture of world politics.

EU Policy on Internal Security and the Subsidiarity Principle

Hartmut Aden • Apr 5 2021 • Articles

The fate of security cooperation in the future depends upon the development of old and new trans-border threats that may trigger intensified cooperation, and on the wish to maintain sovereignty.

Knowledge Diplomacy and the Future(s) of Global Cooperation

Ariel Macaspac Hernandez • Apr 5 2021 • Articles

The architecture of global cooperation and of national policy-making are both dependent on how power based on access to scientific and expert knowledge is distributed

Beyond Passive Victims and Agentic Survivors: Responses to Conflict-Related Sexual Violence

Anne-Kathrin Kreft and Philipp Schulz • Apr 3 2021 • Articles

A closer look at victim-survivor responses within conflict-affected communities in Colombia and Uganda can help us overcome uneasy dichotomies.

The Digital Legacy of Covid-19

Ilan Manor • Apr 2 2021 • Articles

Beyond video conferencing, Covid-19’s digital legacy will also include big data modelling to narrow the distance between diplomats and stranded citizens thanks to effective prioritization.

Opinion – Dangers Within Humanitarianism to Israel’s National Security

Giulia Dal Bello • Apr 1 2021 • Articles

The international community should recognize the well-established narrative against Israel and update judicial mechanisms to address asymmetrical conflicts and hybrid terrorist organizations.

Queer(y)ing Brexit: Sexuality and the Shifting Nature of Remainer and Leaver Worldviews

Jack Lindsay • Apr 1 2021 • Articles

Remain and Leave supporters have utilised discourses of sexuality to rarefy the Remain-Leave binary antagonism in the UK.

Opinion – The Responsibility to Protect the Amazon

Gustavo Macedo • Mar 31 2021 • Articles

Applying responsibility to protect ideas to environmental threats would not only set off the alarm for Brazil by staining its international image, but also potentially shake up other states.

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