Maritime spaces are political zones. In these spaces, agents manifest their interests and pursue their strategies based on the distribution of material and ideational resources.
The lack of domination structures through which imperial or state power can be exerted strains, and renders futile, the capabilities of the occupying force.
We still do not know exactly how the Taliban will rule Afghanistan. Yet, experience suggests that many Afghans have much to fear – especially women and the Shi’a.
Astonishment at the fall of Kabul reflect habits of imperial abstraction, moral displacement and hubris that are prefigured in Thucydides writings about ancient Greece.
A pluralist vision of creative legitimation sets a large and ambitious theoretical agenda for a post-Westphalian global order that has been gestating for a century or more.
Considering the cases two Indian states, it is evident that the population policies in both are driven by ‘demographic fears’ stemming from Islamophobia.
An earlier, more liberal, Afghanistan possessed strong female figures and dynamic student societies in a civil society accustomed to the concept of protest.
Legacies of dispossession and murder in relation to diasporic and continental Africans, their histories, and their lifeworlds have been demoted by the German state.
The Afghanistan conflict has provided the necessary dynamics of instability without stable institutions, making it an inviting strategic space for competing parties.
Despite finally recognizing her defeat, Fujimori’s political history and style show that she will use aggressive tactics to hamper Castillo’s conditions to govern.
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