
Subsidiarity Versus Solidarity? EU Asylum and Immigration Policy

Marco Balboni • Mar 29 2021 • Articles

An effort should be made to find a balance between measures which have to be adopted at a central or coordinated level and measures which need to remain in the hands of governments.

Opinion – Assessing Changes in How Australia Refers to Extremism

Benjamin Cherry-Smith • Mar 28 2021 • Articles

ASIO is stepping away from using ‘right-wing’ or ‘Islamic’ and instead referring to the principal motivation of the individual or group as ‘ideological’ or ‘religiously’ motivated violent extremism.

Opinion – Digital Disinformation, Civic Disengagement and the Future of Democracy

Allison Muzyka • Mar 27 2021 • Articles

As youth turn to online content rampant with disinformation, civic education is not engaging them to participate in democratic processes.

The Subsidiarity Principle in EU Environmental Law

Sian Affolter • Mar 26 2021 • Articles

The principle of subsidiarity in EU environmental law suggests a distinction between actions aiming for genuine environmental protection and actions aiming primarily at market integration.

Setting the Example? A Gendered Approach on Fighting Covid-19

Bárbara Lopes Campos • Mar 25 2021 • Articles

With more women stepping into office, and with incumbent female politicians managing to remain in power, the current global health crisis could be appeased sooner rather than later.

Realist Perspectives on Trump’s Illiberal Counterrevolution

Petar Popović • Mar 25 2021 • Articles

What Trump achieved in his four years as president was to expose the hypocrisy of Liberal hegemony and mark a new era of ideas and practices that have yet to be internalized.

The Complexity of Bilateral Relations

Andreas N. Ludwig • Mar 25 2021 • Articles

The renewal of bilateral relations research for a world of massive uncertainty and permanent change is theoretically, as well as methodologically, possible.

The Subsidiarity Principle and European Refugee Law

Ralf Alleweldt • Mar 23 2021 • Articles

Subsidiarity may be a strong argument in the political debate on draft legislative proposals as it is unlikely that new asylum legislation will contain any disproportionate or unreasonable demands.

Cleaning Up China’s Air: The Effectiveness of the EEP Plan in Beijing

James R. Masterson and Jingwen Wu • Mar 23 2021 • Articles

While it is less clear what the exact causal mechanisms are that have led to the reduction in pollution, it is evident that policy-makers have been effective at improving Beijing’s air quality.

A Call for The Epistemic Fluidity of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

Fanidh Sanogo and One Pusumane • Mar 23 2021 • Articles

There is a need to not only address the linguistic gap often found in research, but to equally seek authentic knowledge about African women’s experiences.

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