
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Growing North-South Divide

Winnie M. Makau • Mar 15 2021 • Articles

Pandemics, while indiscriminate in infections and direct consequence, have historically shown to discriminate against the most vulnerable in the short and long term.

Enhancing Creativity and Communication Skills Through IR Signature Pedagogies

IR teachers should help improve creativity, written and oral skills in a landscape where graduates will have to show their expertise to get a job.

Subsidiarity and Trafficking in Human Beings

Marco Borraccetti • Mar 14 2021 • Articles

A revised Anti-Trafficking Directive must come to terms with the demand and supply side of a criminal transaction by changing the wider environment that facilitates trafficking in human beings.

Subsidiarity and the History of European Integration

Giuliana Laschi • Mar 14 2021 • Articles

Through policy adaptations reflected in buzzwords, such as transparency and accountability, financial democratisation and funding access, the EU has mounted an effective response to economic crises.

Opinion – Japan’s 3/11: Ten Years On

Giorgio Shani • Mar 12 2021 • Articles

Aside from the insecurity and panic caused by the nuclear crisis with its concomitant effects on an economy still reeling from two decades of stagnant growth, life has returned to normal for most.

Subsidiarity and Social Europe

Rosa Mulé • Mar 12 2021 • Articles

it is vital that the European Commission finds new imaginative solutions for a more balanced interaction between national and supranational activities in the social domain.

Global Migration and Local Integration: The European Refugee Crisis

Jörg Dürrschmidt • Mar 11 2021 • Articles

As a consequence of societal globalisation, there is an ongoing process similar to the ‘unbinding of politics’ in the context of EU migration and asylum policy.

How Taiwan Tacitly Promotes its National Security Agenda

Since the emergence of COVID-19 and Tsai’s reelection in 2020, the major theme focused more on the importance of self-defense rather than directly belaboring China.

Lingering Effects of the UK’s Brexit Role Change

Juliet Kaarbo, Ryan Beasley and Kai Oppermann • Mar 10 2021 • Articles

While the UK has been casting for multiple roles (such as Global Britain), some of these roles are in conflict with each other and many international actors have rejected them.

Identity and Foreign Policy: Competing Narratives in Swedish State Autobiographies

Nico Edwards • Mar 10 2021 • Articles

Proponents of arms exports ultimately succeeded in ensuring that Wallström’s feminist foreign policy wouldn’t realise its professed intentions.

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