
The Subsidiarity Principle at the Interface of Law and Politics

Thilo Marauhn and Daniel Mengeler • Mar 10 2021 • Articles

Subsidiarity reminds us of the fact that law is not a hermetically sealed system cut off from society, but that it is always linked to other systems such as politics.

High Stakes for Media and Expression with Myanmar Coup

Gayathry Venkiteswaran • Mar 9 2021 • Articles

The circumstances in which the public and the media find themselves today are different from prior years. The 2020 election results were an overwhelming endorsement for military-free governance.

Looking Back on ASEAN and Sino-US Rivalry in the Cold War

Wen-Qing Ngoei • Mar 9 2021 • Articles

ASEAN countries have front row seats to the Sino-US rivalry, though perhaps their say in regional affairs has increased from the Cold War years.

The Political Philosophy of European Subsidiarity

Peter Rinderle • Mar 9 2021 • Articles

Subsidiarity can help to prevent the exercise of tyrannical power of the central government and protect a sphere of liberty in the smaller units of a community.

Can the United Nations Deepen Mediation Effectiveness in Libya?

Samson Confidence Agbelengor • Mar 7 2021 • Articles

UNSMIL can deepen mediation effectiveness by upholding the facilitation of an inclusive political process leaves room deliberation and agreement of political solutions.

National Parliaments in the EU: Synergy Under the Subsidiarity Principle?

Donatella M. Viola • Mar 7 2021 • Articles

Over the past two decades, subsidiarity has become an important instrument to strengthen the role of national parliaments in the European architecture.

Gender as a Post-Conflict Condition: Revisiting the Three Waves

Olga Demetriou • Mar 6 2021 • Articles

Feminism as a post-conflict condition does not simply entail organising feminist security as a subset of human security but making feminism a condition of (global) post-conflict politics.

Opinion – Beijing’s Position on the Myanmar Coup

Debby S.W. Chan • Mar 6 2021 • Articles

Beijing’s stance on Myanmar is a stark contrast with Western democracies. It once again demonstrates a clash of international norms between China and the West.

Opinion – Dismantling Ongoing Realities of Colonization in Africa

Benjamin Maiangwa and Christiane Essombe • Mar 5 2021 • Articles

it is time that Africans and those who are committed to Africa’s liberation from a colonial paradigm internalize that “only the best is good enough for Africa”.

Opinion – Covid-19 and Africa

Randolph B. Persaud and Amy Niang • Mar 4 2021 • Articles

The solution to the current pandemic is to recognize its public health status, its global nature, the urgent threat to humanity, and the superior reason of public interest.

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