
Opinion – Peace through Law? Political Realism and Hans Kelsen

Robert Schuett • Mar 2 2021 • Articles

Perhaps a great political realist is one who sees that the political has always been intimately linked to the legal, and that nothing in our dealings with one another is inevitable.

Opinion – International Law versus Realpolitik in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

Vahagn Avedian • Mar 2 2021 • Articles

Despite the November 9 ceasefire agreement, the fundamental questions about the region’s final status and the future of its native Armenian population remain unanswered.

Opinion – Mikhail Gorbachev: Cold War Hero or the Man Who Lost the Empire?

David R. Marples • Mar 2 2021 • Articles

The Soviet Union ended quietly under Gorbachev, a man who sought peaceful change but lacked the means to preserve the Soviet state.

Remote Warfare in an Age of Distancing and ‘Great Powers’

Alasdair McKay • Feb 27 2021 • Articles

The use of remote warfare has several significant problems and there can only be progress towards resolving them through discussions between communities.

Security Cooperation as Remote Warfare: The US in the Horn of Africa

Rubrick Biegon and and Tom Watts • Feb 26 2021 • Articles

Security cooperation programmes have provided a pathway to continued intervention, the ‘remoteness’ of which applies only to the intervening actor, not local communities.

Remote Warfare in the Sahel and a Role for the European Union

Delina Goxho • Feb 25 2021 • Articles

Remote warfare conducted by Western forces is shifting its focus to the Sahel and as European states try to rely less on the US security apparatus, old legal challenges.

What Happened to the Afghan Peace Talks?

Grant Farr • Feb 24 2021 • Articles

The negotiations with the Taliban are on hold and Afghanistan appears stuck. The government in Kabul now waits to see what the new Biden team will do.

The Significance of the Iran Hostage Crisis for International Dispute Settlement

Coline Ferrant • Feb 24 2021 • Articles

In 1979, Iranian students took 52 Americans hostage, resulting in a crisis in which Iran and the US resorted to international law and justice to find solutions.

Human Judgment in Remote Warfare

Joseph Chapa • Feb 21 2021 • Articles

Developers and military commanders should not merely ask which military tasks can be automated, but also ask where human judgment ought to be preserved.

Opinion – Populism and Rhetoric Amidst the Farmers’ Protest in India

Ajay Gudavarthy • Feb 20 2021 • Articles

Despite smear campaigns, it looks difficult to reclaim a ubernationalist discourse against the authentically local and indigenous farmers.

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