
New Book – Remote Warfare: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Alasdair McKay • Feb 14 2021 • Articles

Modern warfare is becoming increasingly defined by distance through the use of intelligence, training, equipment and airpower. Bringing together writers from various backgrounds, this book offers a critical enquiry into remote warfare.

Opinion – The Economic Flaws in Elon Musk’s Mars Colonization Plans

John Hickman • Feb 12 2021 • Articles

The scientific and engineering challenges of establishing an extraterrestrial human settlement are daunting enough but solving the attendant economic problems may be even more difficult.

Remote Warfare: A Critical Introduction

Abigail Watson and Alasdair McKay • Feb 11 2021 • Articles

In an era where there is a greater emphasis placed on state-on-state competition, remote warfare seems to be here to stay. Yet, there is little appreciation of the political, ethical and legal implications.

The Role of the Maldives in the Indo-Pacific Security Space in South Asia

Athaulla A. Rasheed • Feb 9 2021 • Articles

Despite the Maldives being a small island state, it can influence regional power dynamics concerning India and China.

Contextualizing Soft Power’s Analysis: The Value of Attractive National Features

Daniele Carminati • Feb 8 2021 • Articles

The international actors that manage to cope with today’s uncertain times are the ones that might see the strongest reputational upturn.

Civilization as an Alternative Unit of Analysis in International Relations

Hidayet Çilkoparan • Feb 6 2021 • Articles

The civilizational approach may be helpful in opening new perspectives and enable scholars to broaden their ontological and epistemological approaches.

Opinion – Vaccine Nationalism and the Global Precariat

Promise Frank Ejiofor • Feb 6 2021 • Articles

Whilst those in the Global North vaccinate their way out of lockdowns, the Global South will have to suffer further restrictions and deaths for the foreseeable future.

The Military Coup in Myanmar: Back to the ‘Normality’ of Autocracy?

Cecilia Ducci and Pak K. Lee • Feb 5 2021 • Articles

Once again the international community seems to be reluctant or unable to take effective measures to ensure the respect for liberal values and democracy in Asia.

Opinion – The Arab Uprisings Ten Years On

Zaynab El Bernoussi • Feb 4 2021 • Articles

The Arab Spring makes a connection to the 1848 Spring of Nations in Europe, which were popular uprisings against old monarchical rulings. This continues an orientalist tradition of likening the East to a so-called more advanced West.

Democracy Must Be Defended: Reflecting on Myanmar’s Coup

Patrick Vernon • Feb 4 2021 • Articles

Abhorrence at Suu Kyi’s removal from power seems incongruous with attempts to apportion responsibility for the Rohingya Genocide to her and her civilian government.

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