
Provoking to Avoid War: North Korea’s Hybrid Security Strategies

Sico van der Meer • May 22 2021 • Articles

An important feature of North Korea’s hybrid strategy is that it is continuously adapting to ever-changing circumstances, and as such it has not become outdated.

Local and International Actors Influencing Inter-Communal Relations in Rakhine State

Htet Paing Oo • May 22 2021 • Articles

Local and international actors have historically influenced trends and dynamics of inter-communal relations in the multi-ethnic Rakhine State of Myanmar.

The Politics of Teaching International Relations in the Arab World: A Critique

Ahmed M. Abozaid • May 20 2021 • Articles

We live in a global system that constantly pushes one towards silencing non-Western voices and rendering their contributions invisible.

Opinion – Former China-Premier Wen Jiabao’s Censored Essay

Klaus Heinrich Raditio • May 20 2021 • Articles

An alternative reading suggests that Wen believes that liberal universal values are worth fighting for – even in the context of China’s current repressive system.

Opinion – From Royalty to Rock Stars: Royal Celebrity and Contemporary Politics

Nathalie Weidhase • May 19 2021 • Articles

Harry and Meghan’s international ventures and increased focus on the American market are considered not just a betrayal of the royal family, but of Britain itself.

Opinion – The Coming of Age of the European Union’s Indo-Pacific Strategy

Shreya Sinha • May 19 2021 • Articles

It is imperative for EU to not succumb into irrelevance by becoming a toothless tiger in order to eventually be a truly strategic global geopolitical actor.

The Cruelty of Kafala: Immigrant Life in Kuwait

Lorcán Owens • May 18 2021 • Articles

Educating children and society that exploitation is immoral and demonstrating tolerance, equality and human dignity is the only way to end the Kafala mentality.

Opinion – Could the Sino-Iranian Agreement Weaken US Hegemony?

Farhang Faraydoon Namdar • May 17 2021 • Articles

The Sino-Iranian agreement will help to bypass U.S. global economic power and increase Iranian economic efforts.

Signature Pedagogies and the Use of Violence in In-Class Simulations

David Andersen-Rodgers • May 16 2021 • Articles

While simulations are useful tools, we need to be cognizant of the potential impact that these exercises have, particularly as they relate to training future foreign policy decision-makers.

Britannia Unchanged Post-Brexit

Ariel Shangguan • May 16 2021 • Articles

From times of empire to the current Brexit fiasco, it has been the lower parts of society that pay for the mistakes of the elites – and yet it is also the latter who make history.

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