
Teaching and Learning Professional Skills Through Simulations

Simulations can build professional character based on autonomy, collaboration, responsibility, and empathy.

Cold War Heritage in Sweden: Pastime Threats, Cosy Cavers and Gendered Nostalgia

Mattias Frihammar • May 15 2021 • Articles

Despite Sweden’s neutrality image, its Cold War period was characterized by a total defence strategy resulting in a deeply militarized society.

Opinion – Emerging Patterns of Trade in the Indo-Pacific

Balasubramanian C • May 15 2021 • Articles

Amidst a paradigm shift from ‘Asia-Pacific’ to ‘Indo-Pacific’, a question that arises is how far are we from an order that might reshape the norms of international trade?

Travel Learning Clusters as Signature Pedagogies

Shane Joshua Barter • May 14 2021 • Articles

Learning clusters can cultivate a deeper learning structure, imparting local know-how, and implicitly teach normative dimensions that are central to a sense of global citizenship.

Opinion – Myanmar, ASEAN and the Responsibility to Protect

Simon Adams • May 12 2021 • Articles

It is time to listen to those who are crying out for protection and finally hold Myanmar’s generals accountable for their crimes.

The Emperor’s Dignity: A Candid Primer on Korean Reunification

Thomas J. Ward • May 12 2021 • Articles

North and South Korean leaders alike pine for reunification, yet the peaceful realization of this aspiration remains in doubt due to nuclear proliferation and human rights violations in the North.

Homocolonialism: Sexual Governance, Gender, Race and the Nation-State

Andrew Delatolla • May 11 2021 • Articles

The consequence of homocolonialism can obstruct the radical queer politics that have challenged the oppressive forces of the gendered and heterosexed nation-state.

Our Fragile Bodies: Economic Change, the Nation-State and the Coronavirus Pandemic

Francisco Antonio-Alfonso • May 11 2021 • Articles

Although it is not feasible to assess the ultimate implications of COVID-19 currently, the pandemic has already revealed multiple long-term dynamics in our societies.

Broken Threads: Reshaping Multilateralism with COVID-19 under Way

Carlos Frederico Pereira da Silva Gama • May 10 2021 • Articles

Even though COVID-19 developments set states and economies further apart, a new push from the Biden administration can partially restore confidence in multilateral endeavours.

Understanding Syria’s Sectarian Wave

Raymond Hinnebusch and Ola Rifai • May 9 2021 • Articles

The first condition for de-sectarianization is the end to external competitive intervention in Syria’s conflict. Much will depend on what dominant national identity is constructed to replace (or restore) Arabism.

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