
Interview – Anton Shirikov

E-International Relations • Apr 23 2023 • Features

Anton Shirikov talks about disinformation in Russia, Ukraine and Eastern Europe, affirmation propaganda, defensive ownership and shifts in Russia’s media.

Interview – Katharina Kuhn

E-International Relations • Apr 19 2023 • Features

Katharina Kuhn discusses developments in international tax policy and the role of business interests, as well as the impact of decentralisation in Covid-19 management.

Interview – Luigi Narbone

E-International Relations • Apr 13 2023 • Features

Luigi Narbone discusses the value of an EU-MENA relationship, potential avenues to strengthen it, and the challenges it faces.

Interview – Adam B. Lerner

E-International Relations • Apr 4 2023 • Features

Adam Lerner outlines the role of collective trauma in international politics and how to challenge some of the problematic assumptions of mainstream IR.

Interview – Sandra Weissinger

E-International Relations • Mar 26 2023 • Features

Sandra Weissinger discusses the dynamics and impacts of racism in different settings, from higher education and the workplace to general societal interactions.

Interview – Igor Grossmann

E-International Relations • Mar 19 2023 • Features

Igor Grossmann explores advancements in analytical and cross-temporal methods and how these methods can help us understand and predict societal and cultural change.

Interview – Andrej Zwitter

E-International Relations • Mar 14 2023 • Features

Andrej Zwitter discusses the dynamics of big data in IR, including its ethicality and influential power.

Interview – Michael Kugelman

E-International Relations • Mar 4 2023 • Features

Michael Kugelman elucidates the current political state of South Asia, particularly developments in hate speech, populism, and regional political relations.

Interview – Jason Pack

E-International Relations • Feb 21 2023 • Features

Jason Pack reflects on the current global enduring disorder, the role played by Libya, and what the future world order looks like.

Interview – Kelly Greenhill

E-International Relations • Feb 5 2023 • Features

Kelly Greenhill explains weaponised migration, including the different types of engineered migration in theory and practice, as well as the costs of these policies.

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