Political Economy

China’s Telecommunications Boom in Africa: Causes and Consequences

Alfred Wong • Sep 21 2015 • Essays

Africa is experiencing a mobile revolution. Chinese telecommunication companies are playing a significant role in this.

Justice in a World of Climate Change and the Distribution of Responsibilities

Sacha Blumen • Sep 6 2015 • Essays

Notions of global justice are irrevocably connected with the economic and social costs of climate change, which affect global social justice and the world as a whole.

The Economics of the Arab Uprisings

Stephen Reimer • Sep 4 2015 • Essays

Concepts like “flauntiness,” though complex and somewhat amorphous, should be engaged with to give models of economic development a new dynamic of pragmatism.

Is the Global Governance of International Migration Feasible and Desirable?

Talgat Turmaganbet • Aug 2 2015 • Essays

An urgent need exists to identify the shortcomings of the current institutionalised framework of the GGIM and involve states to strengthen these institutions.

The Merits of Treating Severe and Systemic Poverty as a Human Rights Violation

Annelie Wambeek • Jul 26 2015 • Essays

Some of the merits of treating extreme poverty as a human rights violation empower the poor, assign accountability. and ensure non-discrimination.

The Doha Development Round and Challenges to Multilateral Trade Negotiations

Terence Fernandes • Jul 13 2015 • Essays

While some view the Bali Package as a much needed life-line for the WTO, critics note that the agreement papers over the tough issues that the WTO will face later on.

The Politics of Postwar Reconstruction as the Discursive International Ordering

João Terrenas • Jul 13 2015 • Essays

The ontological shift in policy configuration mirrors the adaptive character of the liberal order and its ability to expand its domination over individual.

Jimmy Carter, Human Rights and the Cold War

Hanne van Brienen • Jul 8 2015 • Essays

Carter’s focus on the Cold War and Containment meant that his human rights ideals could never be achieved due to the importance he placed on repelling Soviet influence.

Do Colonial Attitudes Influence the Media’s Response to Humanitarian Crises?

Callum Martin • Jul 8 2015 • Essays

The media’s overwhelming focus on negative events in the South maintains the colonial binaries of our civilisation and their backwardness.

Are Natural Resources More of a Curse than a Blessing?

Lewis Stott • Jul 3 2015 • Essays

There is no escaping the correlation between resource abundance and poor economic performance. The resource curse is political and brought on by poor policy decisions.

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