Political Economy

Drawing Links Between Food Security and Land Rights in an Era of Globalization

Ariana Keyman • Jul 17 2014 • Essays

With an increasing world population and changing weather patterns, governments must rapidly address concerns regarding international policy on food security.

The ICC and Africa: Complementarity, Transitional Justice, and the Rule of Law

Thomas M. Dunn • Jul 12 2014 • Essays

The absence of preemptive and positive complementarity in the ICC’s proceedings is the largest obstacle to creating a lasting benefit for African state judicial systems.

The Economy is Organic: Reclaiming the Post-Crisis Development Agenda

Floriane Borel • Jul 11 2014 • Essays

To correctly assess contemporary reevaluations of development theory, we must understand its origins and their effect on how the global community views development today.

A Critical Evaluation of the Concept of Human Security

Luke Johns • Jul 5 2014 • Essays

Critics of human security argue that its adoption has done little to change the behaviour of states or alleviate pressures of everyday life of the most vulnerable.

Climate Change Politics Through a Constructivist Prism

Tim Pfefferle • Jun 18 2014 • Essays

Constructivism captures the political nature of the climate change issue and is able to put it in its respective historical and social context.

Critical Approaches to the Functions of International Institutions

Ben Holihead • Jun 13 2014 • Essays

Critical approaches can not only identify the flaws of neoliberalism but also possible contradictions between neoliberalism as a concept and how institutions perceive it.

Should we Rebuild ‘Failed States’ or ‘Let Them Fail’?

Michael Williams • Jun 8 2014 • Essays

The practice of rebuilding ‘failed’ or ‘failing’ states is ethically problematic. It overlooks human security and is too focused on Western institutional standards.

The Impact of ‘Globalisation’ on the Arab Revolts

Nick Newsom • Jun 5 2014 • Essays

Globalisation not only exacerbated the structural conditions that elicited the Arab revolt, but allowed for local and global actors to shape the form of this resistance.

The Weakening of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Phil Henderson • May 26 2014 • Essays

The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is at best a compromise for indigenous peoples, at worst an attempt by states to maintain structures of injustice.

Uneven and Combined Development & World Systems Analysis: A Combined Approach

Ueli Staeger • May 26 2014 • Essays

‘World-systems Analysis’ & ‘Uneven and Combined Development’ – when combined & further theorised – provide an illuminating approach to the global system’s functioning.

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