Political Economy

Yemen’s Water Scarcity as a Threat to National Security

Susanne Hartmann • Apr 6 2014 • Essays

Within the past couple decades, the discourse surrounding water scarcity in Yemen has shifted; this scarcity is now seen as a contributing threat to national security.

Is Nuclear Technology the Answer to Asia’s Energy Future?

anon • Apr 5 2014 • Essays

Asia’s energy future depends on increasing energy efficiency, reducing fossil fuel imports, and increasing the role of renewable and nuclear energies.

Contemporary Petitioning and Chinese Internet Censorship

Tae Eon Ahn • Apr 4 2014 • Essays

Current Chinese Internet censorship efforts resemble a petitioning (complaint) system Chinese leaders have employed in various forms since the Zhou dynasty.

Political Corruption and Insecurity in Southeast Asia

Cristian Vaduva • Mar 26 2014 • Essays

Political corruption in Southeast Asia is an important threat to political and economic security, as external influences on corruption create domestic insecurity.

Democratisation and Post-conflict State-building in Sierra Leone and Rwanda

Daria Jarczewska • Mar 23 2014 • Essays

Pursuing democratic principles, if they are driven by commitment to mediating values, has great potential to contribute to the success of post-conflict transitions.

Who Might be ‘Othered’ in Today’s Development Debates?

Hannah Eastwood • Mar 22 2014 • Essays

The postcolonial concept of the ‘Other’ puts power in binary terms & disempowers woman – women & policymakers should abandon the concept but retain cultural sensitivity.

The Major Limits to Naval Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region

Stefanie Kam • Mar 17 2014 • Essays

Due to crucial political, strategic, military and security difficulties, the Asia-Pacific region is experiencing less naval cooperation than the Western nations.

Capitalism & Insecurity: How Promoting Western Values Fails to Create Peace

Rusu Mihai Alin • Mar 13 2014 • Essays

The spread of capitalism in globalisation does not spread nor create peace, but rather, creates the conditions in which conflicts, exploitation and insecurities arise.

Assessing How Far Democracy in South Africa is Liberal or Illiberal

Bryant Edward Harden • Mar 6 2014 • Essays

Despite facing problems with development and achieving the high standards prescribed its constitution, South Africa still has the attributes of a liberal democracy.

Illicit Financial Flows and Capital Flight in Africa

Casey Sahadath • Feb 14 2014 • Essays

IFFs hamstring the efforts of African states to pursue poverty alleviation and economic development, thus addressing IFFs and their impacts should be a priority for UNECA.

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