Political Economy

Securitization, Democratization and Aid Distribution

Kathryn Brunton • Mar 15 2013 • Essays

Post 9/11 there has been an increased securitization of development issues, shifting aid conditionalities to behaviour supportive of the “War on Terror”.

Was the Good Governance Agenda Politically Neutral?

Georg Berger • Mar 8 2013 • Essays

There seems to be an enduring inability to understand that Africa is modernizing in its own way. The Western development discourse remains authoritarian and coercive.

The Labour Movement in Zimbabwe 1980-2012

Joe Sutcliffe • Mar 7 2013 • Essays

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions is at the centre of emancipatory, grassroots activism in Zimbabwe, providing potential for a democratic, anti-neoliberal future.

The Unfinished Revolution in Egypt

Alex Serafimov • Mar 3 2013 • Essays

Tackling socio-economic issues, such as poverty and inequality, is not only desirable in principle, but is actively required for the functioning of Egypt’s newly developing democracy.

The International Implications of China’s Water Policies

Jessica Williams • Feb 15 2013 • Essays

China’s water policies will increase regional and international tensions, but will also prevent China’s economy from stalling, which could destabilize the entire international system.

Is Terrorism the Main Threat to Human Security in Northern Africa?

Christopher Grundy • Feb 13 2013 • Essays

Events in northern Africa have helped to enhance ‘Human Security’ as a subject of scholarly research and for legitimate consideration in the realm of International Relations.

Poverty and Armed Conflict: Why State Capacity Matters Most

Katharine Cornish • Feb 6 2013 • Essays

Weak states may be unable to protect their citizens from violence, provide basic infrastructure, create accountable institutions, or set the conditions for sustainable growth.

Jumping the Loaded Gun: How Promoting Democracy Fails to Achieve Peace

Patrick Pitts • Feb 5 2013 • Essays

The West’s democracy promotion has achieved an outcome antithetical to its purpose: an increase in the violence of and destabilization within low-income and conflict-affected states.

Do Global Communications Inevitably Lead to Cultural Homogenization?

Callum Martin • Feb 1 2013 • Essays

Global communication developments are creating a patchwork of cultures, but they are also creating homogenization through the spread of capitalism.

Economic Globalisation and Society in Developing Countries

Cyrus Gearhart Sie • Jan 26 2013 • Essays

Developed countries possess the means to assist developing countries emerge from the “Third World” and this is most effectively facilitated by economic globalisation.

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