Political Economy

Jumping the Loaded Gun: How Promoting Democracy Fails to Achieve Peace

Patrick Pitts • Feb 5 2013 • Essays

The West’s democracy promotion has achieved an outcome antithetical to its purpose: an increase in the violence of and destabilization within low-income and conflict-affected states.

Do Global Communications Inevitably Lead to Cultural Homogenization?

Callum Martin • Feb 1 2013 • Essays

Global communication developments are creating a patchwork of cultures, but they are also creating homogenization through the spread of capitalism.

Economic Globalisation and Society in Developing Countries

Cyrus Gearhart Sie • Jan 26 2013 • Essays

Developed countries possess the means to assist developing countries emerge from the “Third World” and this is most effectively facilitated by economic globalisation.

Three Theories of International Justice

Declan OBriain • Jan 25 2013 • Essays

Habermas, Pogge, and Kokaz come to a similar conclusion; the establishment of some form of global constitutional order is necessary to bring about egalitarian global redistribution.

Thinking About Free Trade: The Role of Ideas in Shaping Trade Regimes

Emma Bell-Scollan • Jan 11 2013 • Essays

Trade regimes of the late 19th century and post-War era shared a common root in liberal economic theory, but fostered opposing policies on government intervention in domestic markets.

Shale Gas Development in China

Svetlana Izrailova • Jan 9 2013 • Essays

Development of shale gas is a priority for Chinese leadership, who hope the resource will decrease reliance on foreign imports and allow for greater independence and security.

What Role Does Trade Play in Development?

Andrei Constantin • Jan 4 2013 • Essays

Basically, the Heckscher-Ohlin idea is that nations export goods that intensively use their abundant factor and import those goods that are manufactured from the scarce factor.

Would Marx Be a Vegetarian?

Jessica McWhirt • Dec 19 2012 • Essays

When every single person in the world stops eating meat and turns to fruits, vegetables, and grains – developing countries will unite. Agricultural trade will take a drastic shift between industrialized and developing countries.

Approaching International Hunger

Jennifer Panting • Dec 12 2012 • Essays

Hunger is much more than just a physical bodily condition, and therefore food aid cannot be fully understood without a focus on hunger’s human aspects.

Characteristics of Street Children

Abdelfatah Ibrahim • Dec 11 2012 • Essays

Despite the harsh conditions in which street children live, they make good use of the surrounding environment to survive.

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