Political Economy

Reconciling Actor-Based and Context-Based Theories

Stephanie Perazzone • Dec 5 2012 • Essays

Actor-based and context-based analyses of spoiler problems in peace processes should not be construed as two distinctive, divergent models but rather as complementary and mutually reinforcing.

Iraq’s Institutional Internet Use

Tahira Mohamad Abbas • Dec 5 2012 • Essays

How are Iraq’s legislative, executive, and political parties adapting to cyberspace, and exploiting its potential for informational transparency and bottom-up communication?

Neo-Functionalism and the European Union

Thomas M. Dunn • Nov 28 2012 • Essays

Neo-functionalism occupied a core role in the formation of the European Union. Furthermore, the process of neo-functionalism will likely continue into the future, leading to further European integration.

Trade and Health: The Contentious Issue of Counterfeit Medicines

Petalla Timo • Nov 28 2012 • Essays

In global health governance, no issue is completely free from conflict of interests, and no matter how technical the WHO is, it is an organization undeniably embedded in politics.

Do Constitutions Fail Because They Are Both Made And Unmade By Men?

Sophia Gore • Nov 28 2012 • Essays

It seems that despite the fact that constitutions are often unstable at times of civil unrest, they are equally valuable in maintaining continuity and structuring society.

Has Globalisation Altered the Role of the State?

Shona Buchanan • Nov 24 2012 • Essays

The state can no longer control all in-state language and education due to the global mass media and, as a result, the state is now not completely relied on for educating its citizens.

To What Extent is India a Successful Democracy?

Maurice Dunaiski • Nov 23 2012 • Essays

Democracy in Kerala has given rise to redistributive pressures that have translated into effective social policy and an exceptional performance with regard to most social indicators.

Prescriptions for IMF Reform: The Case Against Market Fundamentalism

Shayda Sabet • Nov 15 2012 • Essays

IMF prescriptions often carry adverse effects on the countries that adopt them, leaving the country and its citizens in a deeper state of crisis.

The EU as a Counter-Piracy Actor

Robert Paige • Nov 7 2012 • Essays

The EU has adopted a multiple frame approach to counter-piracy, acting in the security, legal, and development frames, but the struggle for a comprehensive approach opens the EU up to much criticism.

The Middle East and Oil: Economic Modernisation and Political Stagnation

Anastasija Malachova • Oct 29 2012 • Essays

Oil has led to economic modernization and prosperity in the Middle East while creating weak states, autonomous from societal demands and political accountability.

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