Political Economy

Building an Independent State in Kurdistan

Peshtiwan Ali • Jul 19 2012 • Essays

The Kurdistan region has to earn its complete part in secession from being a de facto substate entity within the Iraqi state and transferring itself to a fully independent de jure state.

Riots in India: A Consequence of Democracy?

Kalathmika Natarajan • Jul 18 2012 • Essays

Political motivations offer only a partial explanation for Indian riots. They do not take into account religious mobilization, extremist ideologies, or perceptions of ‘the other’ that lead to participation in, or approval of, violence.

Privatizing Development: The Limit of Market-Based Approaches to Development

Graeme Esau • Jul 6 2012 • Essays

The free-market is a necessary, yet limited, aspect of development. It must not be relied upon as the sole approach to poverty alleviation.

Mexico: Democracy Without Citizenship?

Philipp Dreyer • Jun 26 2012 • Essays

The relationship between citizenship and the quality of democracy has become an increasing concern to Mexico’s democratic transition.

Militancy in the Niger Delta: Petro-Capitalism and the Politics of Youth

Joe Sutcliffe • Jun 25 2012 • Essays

Research must consider the links between militants and the oil complex in order to assess the potential for further rounds of violence.

The Securitization of Non-Traditional Threats: Water Security in China

Yunnan Chen • Jun 23 2012 • Essays

Whilst the water shortage in China has been securitised at the state level, this has not been successful at the local government level, or with the public at large.

China and the Legacy of Post-Mao Reforms

Ross Morrison • Jun 18 2012 • Essays

The reform-era policies of the 1980s and ’90s are undermining China’s development. The desire to maintain political stability and solidify party rule stifled efforts to fund long term investments.

Power-Sharing as a Form of Democratic Development in Zimbabwe and South Sudan

Julian Neal • Jun 13 2012 • Essays

Power-sharing, far from a method aimed solely at conflict resolution, provides ample chance for national political development.

Globalization and Wealth Creation in Developing Countries

Nigel Hogan • Jun 9 2012 • Essays

Although the benefits of globalization continue to be disproportionately angled in favour of the developed global North, GDP can be seen to have risen for developing countries, including those within sub-Saharan Africa.

A Rentier Class: Economic Aspects of the Colonial Legacy in Senegal

J. Paul Barker • Jun 7 2012 • Essays

The legacy of French colonial rule continued to be a shaping force in the economic development of Senegal for decades following its independence. This placed restraints on the economy and made it difficult for businesses to generate growth independent of the regime.

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