Political Economy

Everyday (In)Security: An Autoethnography of Student Life in the UK

anon • Dec 31 2020 • Essays

An undergraduate education has largely ceased to be one of ontological discovery and has instead become a process of enforcing neoliberal logic on students.

Offensively Realist? Evaluating Trump’s Economic Policy Towards China

Steph Coulter • Dec 9 2020 • Essays

Donald Trump’s economic policy towards China cannot be considered realist if one uses an analytical framework based on offensive realism.

The Angolan Civil War: Conflict Economics or the Divine Right of Kings?

Ben Rosie • Dec 2 2020 • Essays

The long duration of the Angolan Civil War must be understood through interconnected factors that ebbed and flowed as the national and international context changed.

Neocolonialism in J.A. Bayona’s ‘The Impossible’

Kate Williams • Jul 27 2020 • Essays

The popular ‘rose tinted’ depiction of the devastating 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami justifies the Global North’s neocolonial foreign aid strategies.

The (Un)intended Effects of the United Nations on the Libyan Civil War Oil Economy

Marius Zeevaert • Jul 18 2020 • Essays

The United Nations crude oil commodity sanctions on all non-governmental actors had manifold consequences on the Libyan civil war oil economy.

Are We Entering an “Asian Century?”: The Possibility of a New International Order

Keita Kawakita • Jul 4 2020 • Essays

Both Asia’s internal political problems and America’s structural advantages prevent the “Asian Century” from becoming a political reality.

The Great Lockdown vs. The Great Depression and the 2008 Global Financial Crisis

Akshat Sogani • Jul 2 2020 • Essays

Compared to the Great Depression and the 2008 Financial Crisis, the impact of the current economic crisis has been much hastier, more entrenched and very immediate.

Enduring Stark Utopia: A Polanyian Reading of the Global Political Economy

Alessandro Colasanti • Jun 19 2020 • Essays

The work of Karl Polanyi illuminates the link between socio-political outcomes that resulted from the economic crashes of 1929 and 2008.

When Economic Needs Trump Popular Will: The Case of the German Agenda 2010

Marius Zeevaert • Jun 1 2020 • Essays

Germany’s Agenda 2010 adversely affected citizen trust in democracy by favoring market competitiveness over democratic deliberation.

Eating Last and the Least: Analysing Gender in Global Hunger

Arpita Wadhwa • Apr 8 2020 • Essays

The level of coordination between international and national actors is a critical determinant of global hunger rates for women.

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