Political Economy

Shaping the Transnational Capitalist Class: TNCs and the Global Economy

Chiara Reverdito • Oct 6 2019 • Essays

The trans-nationalisation of production has benefited and structurally shaped society through the creation of a Transnational Corporate Class in host countries.

To What Extent Can Natural Disasters Be Considered State Crimes?

Harish Kohli • Jun 28 2019 • Essays

The ways in which natural disasters can be understood as state crimes is examined, incorporating case studies from Turkey, Japan, and the United States.

International Political Economy and the 2003 Iraq War: A Keynesian Perspective

anon • May 5 2019 • Essays

Keynes’s emphasis on ideas and individuals is better-suited to explaining the United States’ 2003 invasion of Iraq than Marx’s focus on material structures.

Soviet Legacies and the Consolidation of Economic Rentierism in Kazakhstan

Mira Sairanen • Apr 22 2019 • Essays

Soviet legacies helped shape Central Asia both economically and politically. In post-independence Kazakhstan, these legacies facilitated the rise of economic rentierism.

Is the International System Racist?

Katie Lockwood • Mar 3 2019 • Essays

Historically grounded discourses continue to legitimise and naturalise racism and inequality in the international system.

A Critical Assessment of Eco-Marxism: A Ghanaian Case Study

Anna Carter-Roberts • Feb 4 2019 • Essays

While Eco-Marxism successfully identifies factors that facilitate illegal gold-mining in Ghana, it struggles to provide a coherent solution to the problems it highlights.

Capitalism and the Rise of New Slavery: From Slave Trade to Slave in Trade

Akshat Sogani • Feb 2 2019 • Essays

To confront new slavery, we need to realise the paradoxes in the West and start questioning basic ideas including sovereignty, freedom and realism as an ideology.

Globalisation, Agency, Theory: A Critical Analysis of Marxism in Light of Brexit

Johanna Siebert • Jan 5 2019 • Essays

Despite an increasing degree of economic integration, Marxist theory must consider geopolitical competition in the relationship between capitalism and the state system.

Safeguarding a Woman’s Right to Education and Water in Africa

Zachary Gavel • Dec 4 2018 • Essays

Despite the presence of protections in international and domestic law, a woman’s right to education and access to water remains unfulfilled in Ghana and South Africa.

Consequences of Coercion: Impacts and Limitations of Targeted Sanctions Regimes

Nina Kalantar • Dec 2 2018 • Essays

Despite their widespread usage through the UN Security Council, targeted sanctions regimes fail to effectively impair the capacity of the targeted entity.

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