Foreign Policy

The Angolan Civil War: Conflict Economics or the Divine Right of Kings?

Ben Rosie • Dec 2 2020 • Essays

The long duration of the Angolan Civil War must be understood through interconnected factors that ebbed and flowed as the national and international context changed.

‘Drone Vision’: Precision Ethics Theory and the Royal Air Force’s use of Drones

James Greenhalgh • Nov 9 2020 • Essays

‘Drone vision’ leads us to ask if drone pilots can make correct and accurate decisions in order to prevent the deaths of non-combatants.

Sovereignty, Cosmopolitanism, and the Case of Sweden’s Foreign Policy

Yogesh Gattani • Nov 9 2020 • Essays

A cosmopolitan sovereign? Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy offers both an example and conceptualisation of a state shaped by cosmopolitanism.

How Successful Has the UN Been in Maintaining International Peace and Security?

Anette Sonnback • Nov 8 2020 • Essays

While there has been criticism of UN attempts to maintain peace, the organisation has been particularly successful in creating international norms.

Securitising the War On Terror

Malgorzata Odolczyk • Oct 30 2020 • Essays

The policy response to the 9/11 Attacks disproportionally securitised global terrorism as an existential threat by using the genre of war, rather than crime.

French Intervention in West Africa: Interests and Strategies (2013–2020)

Sudarshan Pujari • Oct 29 2020 • Essays

Recent militancy in West Africa has prompted France to abandon its indirect approach to African security in favor of more forceful military interventions.

The State of and Prospects for Space Governance: A Critical Deliberation

Finn Robinsen • Oct 26 2020 • Essays

Great Powers have actively exploited the stagnation of multilateral governance mechanisms to unilaterally shape the norms and rules of space activities.

Israel-Palestine and the EU’s New ‘Language of Power’ – Plus Ça Change?

Emma Evans • Oct 17 2020 • Essays

For the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it is argued that Josep Borrell pay attention to discursive and social factors in the EU’s long-standing foreign policy commitment.

How MONUSCO Contributed to Constructing the DRC as the ‘Dark Heart’ of Africa

Sofia Romansky • Oct 16 2020 • Essays

The role and scope of MONUSCO forces in the DRC were greatly influenced by Western perceptions of the country as the “dark” heart of Africa.

The Long March to Peace: The Evolution from “Old Diplomacy” to “New Diplomacy”

Andrew Kourti • Oct 9 2020 • Essays

The shift from “old” to “new” diplomacy was not a radical change or an “Americanisation” of the diplomatic method, but a continuation of long-term liberal thought.

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