Foreign Policy

American Exceptionalism as a Basis for the American Consciousness

Jojo Amoah • Jan 13 2021 • Essays

According to the rhetoric of the Puritan Fathers and Lyndon B Johnson, American power and flourishing depends on continued moral excellence.

Why China Should Re-Strategize its Wolf Warrior Diplomacy

David (Trace) Held III • Jan 12 2021 • Essays

To safeguard against repeating the ‘Century of Humiliation’ replete with domestic turmoil and Western bullying, China must cultivate new tactics in redirecting nationalism and reframing legitimacy.

An Outdated Debate? Neorealism’s Limitations and the Wisdom of Classical Realism

Ioannis Alexandris • Jan 5 2021 • Essays

Classical Realism proves superior to Neorealism by including the interplay between morality and power alongside that of agency and structure.

Virtual Invasion: ‘Just War’ and Orientalism in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Felix Hulse • Dec 17 2020 • Essays

The latest game in the Call of Duty franchise is shown to rely on Orientalist caricatures, skewed perceptions of violence, and a narrative of ‘Western’ righteousness.

Offensively Realist? Evaluating Trump’s Economic Policy Towards China

Steph Coulter • Dec 9 2020 • Essays

Donald Trump’s economic policy towards China cannot be considered realist if one uses an analytical framework based on offensive realism.

The Angolan Civil War: Conflict Economics or the Divine Right of Kings?

Ben Rosie • Dec 2 2020 • Essays

The long duration of the Angolan Civil War must be understood through interconnected factors that ebbed and flowed as the national and international context changed.

‘Drone Vision’: Precision Ethics Theory and the Royal Air Force’s use of Drones

James Greenhalgh • Nov 9 2020 • Essays

‘Drone vision’ leads us to ask if drone pilots can make correct and accurate decisions in order to prevent the deaths of non-combatants.

Sovereignty, Cosmopolitanism, and the Case of Sweden’s Foreign Policy

Yogesh Gattani • Nov 9 2020 • Essays

A cosmopolitan sovereign? Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy offers both an example and conceptualisation of a state shaped by cosmopolitanism.

How Successful Has the UN Been in Maintaining International Peace and Security?

Anette Sonnback • Nov 8 2020 • Essays

While there has been criticism of UN attempts to maintain peace, the organisation has been particularly successful in creating international norms.

Securitising the War On Terror

Malgorzata Odolczyk • Oct 30 2020 • Essays

The policy response to the 9/11 Attacks disproportionally securitised global terrorism as an existential threat by using the genre of war, rather than crime.

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