Foreign Policy

The Carter Administration and Human Rights in Chile, 1977-81

Joseph Creffield • Nov 14 2019 • Essays

Jimmy Carter ignored human rights abuses perpetuated by the Pinochet regime and only responded if the threat was to do with containing the communist threat in Chile.

Security Implications of the Export of Chinese Surveillance Systems

Vincent Boucher • Oct 16 2019 • Essays

China legitimizes its position in the world by promoting its surveillance state model as a stable alternative to democracies and other autocracies.

Laboring for Nuclear Disarmament? The Diplomacy of the Hawke-Keating Governments

Kye J. Allen • Oct 1 2019 • Essays

The Hawke and Keating administrations used “enlightened realpolitik” to promote nuclear disarmament while still keeping Australia under the American nuclear umbrella.

Drones, Aid and Education: The Three Ways to Counter Terrorism

Seamus Ryan • Sep 23 2019 • Essays

Drones, aid and education can effectively combat terrorism, but only if they are deployed together and with the proper restrictions and considerations.

To What Extent is the Realist School of IR Theory Useful for Policymakers?

Vaishnavi Mangalvedhekar • Sep 7 2019 • Essays

Due to contrasting aims of IR theory and practice, the processes drastically differ and limit the extent to which theory can be applied to practicing world politics.

Obama and ‘Learning’ in Foreign Policy: Military Intervention in Libya and Syria

Rupert Schulenburg • Sep 5 2019 • Essays

‘Learning’ as an analytical framework shows how Obama’s decision-making towards the Gaddafi and Assad regimes was informed by past US interventions.

Revolutionary Religion: Shia Islam and the Iranian Revolution

Nathan Olsen • Sep 3 2019 • Essays

The Iranian revolution of 1979 can be considered as Islamic, yet we must recognize the socioeconomic conditions and existing political movements which fostered change.

The Emergent Role of Cities as Actors in International Relations

Salome Gongadze • Aug 6 2019 • Essays

Cities are behaving as actors in contemporary international politics by mimicking diplomatic practices, organising transnational networks, and engaging with IOs.

Policy Failure and Unipolarity on the Eve of Operation Desert Storm

Riccardo Ghioni • Jul 31 2019 • Essays

The unprecedented support for Operation Desert Storm was facilitated by a combination of primary and secondary factors.

Examining the Validity of a ‘Global Britain’ and Its Ties with the Commonwealth

Alec Llywelyn Frost • Jul 29 2019 • Essays

After Brexit, British politicians wanted to pursue a “Global Britain” policy and strengthen trade with the Commonwealth, but this strategy cannot replace EU trade.

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