Foreign Policy

Anti-Smuggling Operations in the Central Mediterranean

Thomas Dayer • Feb 9 2018 • Essays

This essay addresses the challenges raised by the uncertainty of the legal framework and the dubious practices of operations dealing with migrant smuggling into the EU.

From ‘Globocop’ to ‘NoGoCop’: Intervention, R2P & Sovereignty in the Chinese Era

Unity Stuart • Dec 15 2017 • Essays

The differences between China and the US with regards to Responsibility to Protect are based on their understandings of sovereignty and legitimate authority.

A Comparison of Private Security Contractors & State-Based Armed Forces

Daniele Hadi Irandoost • Dec 3 2017 • Essays

Private security contractors are on the rise in military conflicts. Are they different to state-based troops?

The Effect of the Intervention in Libya on the International Debate about Syria

Jonathan Pugh • Nov 9 2017 • Essays

The intervention in Libya was seen by non-Western states as a dangerous legal precedent undermining the status state sovereignty had been given under international law.

The Future Prospects of the U.S.-Japan Security Alliance: A Two-Handed Strategy

Miki Hiyashi • Oct 14 2017 • Essays

The US-Japan security alliance is at a crossroads. A “two-handed” strategy of intensifying security cooperation while engaging a rising China is the best way forward.

Is China the New Hegemon of East Asia?

Jonathan Pugh • Oct 8 2017 • Essays

China, despite its aspirations for renewed dominance in East Asia, is not yet in a position to challenge the United States’ military pre-eminence in the Western Pacific.

Authoritarian Difussion and the Failure of the “Colour Revolutions” to Spread

Davide Giordanengo • Sep 28 2017 • Essays

Can the concept of “Authoritarian Difussion” explain the unsuccessful spread of the colour revolution and the repressive measures that illiberal regimes have taken after?

Strategy Not Sacrilege: State Terrorism as an Element of Foreign Policy

Paul Butchard • Sep 18 2017 • Essays

Relying on case studies of Pakistan and the U.S., this essay argues that the state’s use of terrorism be more fully integrated into the study of foreign policy.

Counterintelligence: Enduring Lessons from the Cold War

Daniele Hadi Irandoost • Sep 18 2017 • Essays

Continuities do indeed occur in history and lessons learnt in one period may well be applicable to another and therefore relevant depending on the specific context.

Imperialism by Another Name: The US “War on Drugs” in Colombia

Grace Lee • Aug 22 2017 • Essays

This essay examines US policy towards Colombia from Truman to Reagan, tracing the emergent “war on drugs” and the related political, economic, and military strategies.

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