Foreign Policy

Cybersecurity: A National Security Issue?

Daniele Hadi Irandoost • May 3 2018 • Essays

Cybersecurity is a crucial national security issue that must be governed through an approach that combines relevant technical aspects with insights from the humanities.

The Impact of China’s OBOR Initiative on Australia’s Geopolitical Realities

Andrew Allsopp • Apr 19 2018 • Essays

The IPE analytical model demonstrates that China’s OBOR initiative is a sophisticated strategy that potentially solves several of China’s economic and political dilemmas.

Promoting Democracy in Serbia — The Limits of EU Conditionality

John Allison • Apr 12 2018 • Essays

Despite the EU’s use of conditionality, Serbia remains far from constituting a consolidated democracy, and recent trends suggest it may be backsliding.

Is China Using the AIIB to Reinvent Asian Regionalism?

Amreeta Das • Mar 12 2018 • Essays

China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will not reinvent Asian regionalism as we know it today and will instead strengthen existing regional ties.

The Crimean “Precedent” and Unrecognized States in the Post-Soviet Space

Andreï-Bogdan Sterescu • Mar 5 2018 • Essays

Crimea is a relevant precedent in the Post-Soviet space, and Russia’s role in the conflicts and politics of unrecognized states in the region.

Anti-Smuggling Operations in the Central Mediterranean

Thomas Dayer • Feb 9 2018 • Essays

This essay addresses the challenges raised by the uncertainty of the legal framework and the dubious practices of operations dealing with migrant smuggling into the EU.

From ‘Globocop’ to ‘NoGoCop’: Intervention, R2P & Sovereignty in the Chinese Era

Unity Stuart • Dec 15 2017 • Essays

The differences between China and the US with regards to Responsibility to Protect are based on their understandings of sovereignty and legitimate authority.

A Comparison of Private Security Contractors & State-Based Armed Forces

Daniele Hadi Irandoost • Dec 3 2017 • Essays

Private security contractors are on the rise in military conflicts. Are they different to state-based troops?

The Effect of the Intervention in Libya on the International Debate about Syria

Jonathan Pugh • Nov 9 2017 • Essays

The intervention in Libya was seen by non-Western states as a dangerous legal precedent undermining the status state sovereignty had been given under international law.

The Future Prospects of the U.S.-Japan Security Alliance: A Two-Handed Strategy

Miki Hiyashi • Oct 14 2017 • Essays

The US-Japan security alliance is at a crossroads. A “two-handed” strategy of intensifying security cooperation while engaging a rising China is the best way forward.

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