Foreign Policy

An Analysis of Online Terrorist Recruiting and Propaganda Strategies

Mark Taylor • Jul 19 2017 • Essays

The rise to prominence of online terrorist recruitment and propaganda strategies has become a major concern of national security services worldwide.

Transatlantic Sovereignty Games: What Makes the US and the EU ‘Hang Together’?

Katarina Rebello • Jun 15 2017 • Essays

Drawing on an analytical framework based on ‘sovereignty games’ this essay explores the roles of money in (re)constructing relations between the USA and the EU.

The Rise of the Developmental State in China and Its Absence in India

Haoyu Zhai • May 12 2017 • Essays

The factors of state autonomy, capacity and strategy help to explain the rise of the developmental state in China and its absence in India.

Compliance with UN Watercourses Convention: Half Full or Half Empty?

Bhargav Sriganesh • May 12 2017 • Essays

How can the UN Watercourses Convention minimise the risks of inter-state conflict over water resources?

The Aesthetics of Revolt: Emerging Political Subjectivities in the Arab Spring

Samuel Singler • May 12 2017 • Essays

Aesthetic forms of revolt live on in the collective memory as well as in their material forms, and continue to provide a repertoire for subsequent political action.

The Alleged Failure of Multilateralism in Syria: Beyond a Realist Trap

Thomas Dayer • May 11 2017 • Essays

Earlier in history, multilateralism was deemed a ‘realist necessity’. In the current era, it is reshaped through battles of values.

The Awkward European: Britain and the Common Security and Defence Policy

Andrew Huckle • May 9 2017 • Essays

Britain should not orphan the very policy it created in Brittany almost 20 years ago. If it does, that would constitute the real missed opportunity for Britain and CSDP.

Who is Winning the ‘War on Terror’?

Henna Chauhan • Apr 17 2017 • Essays

Bush’s ‘war on terror’ was constructed as unwinnable and never-ending, Obama has not successfully proposed a counter-hegemonic discourse with the strength to oppose it.

One Belt, One Road and the History of the Maritime Silk Route

Benjamin Robbins • Mar 26 2017 • Essays

Through the One Belt One Road initiative, China attempts to reassert itself as a powerful middle kingdom that is central to global trade and international relations.

Japan in the Interwar Years: What Caused the Japanese Invasion of China?

Chu Kah Leong • Feb 23 2017 • Essays

The intractability of the Japanese army, coupled with defiance of Chinese nationalism, ultimately led to a devastating conflict that resulted in the deaths of millions.

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