Foreign Policy

Should Irregular Fighters Be Excluded From Legal Protections Such As POW Status?

Dean Cooper-Cunningham • Dec 14 2015 • Essays

‘Irregular’ is a demonising exclusionary weapon of war applied only to those opposing US goals for the purposes of improving the legitimate guise of its actions.

Pax Americana: the United States as Global Hegemon or Imperialist in Disguise?

Nathan Down • Dec 9 2015 • Essays

A downward trend in prestige and economic power, along with geopolitical challenges, seems to be forcing the US to realign its foreign policy interests and direction.

Jihadi State-Building: A Comparative Study of Jihadis’ Capacity for Governance

Connor Kopchick • Dec 7 2015 • Essays

An evaluation of the abilities of ISIS, the Afghan Taliban prior to their ousting in 2001 and Boko Haram to engage in state-building – and what forms are ‘successful’.

Energy Security in Europe: How Is the EU Dealing with It?

Cristina Puntaru • Dec 3 2015 • Essays

Today, energy security is at the top of the EU agenda. The EU’s reliance on Russian gas has caused many nations to reconsider many of their energy-related policies.

The Challenges and Successes of EU Democracy Promotion Policies

Joshua Gray • Nov 24 2015 • Essays

The success of EU democracy promotion is contingent upon the degree of bargaining power the EU possesses vis-à-vis ‘third countries’.

Can Ukraine Learn Anything from Georgia?

Mathilde Senaud • Nov 23 2015 • Essays

As the USSR disintegrated, issues emerged over the autonomous republics of the region. The geopolitical shifts that followed allowed leaders to redesign their authority.

Is the Refusal to end Poverty a form of Violence?

Matthew Frost • Nov 20 2015 • Essays

Despite the causes of poverty, the wealth exists to ensure that it need not. Negligence and adiaphorisation do not excuse the violence, they only clarify its existence.

Why Are Civil Wars so Protracted and Difficult to End?

Arij Elshelmani • Nov 20 2015 •

Civil wars are more protracted and difficult to terminate for numerous reasons. Nevertheless, a number of critical factors that fuel these wars can be distinguished.

Global Pandemics: A Security Threat?

Joseph Jegat • Nov 17 2015 • Essays

This essay has argued that global pandemics are a threat to state security, the extent to which they are a threat however, is determined by how developed the state is.

Should Private Military Companies be used in UN Peace Operations?

Lauren Grace Fitzsimons • Nov 17 2015 • Essays

Since deficiencies are being exposed as poorly trained UN peacekeepers struggle to fulfill their mandates, PMCs should be used as a second best peacekeeping force.

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