Foreign Policy

The Growing “Discomfort” with Comfort Women between South Korea and Japan

Minseon Ku • Nov 11 2015 •

The comfort women issue has been a boiling point between South Korea and Japan, one that won’t likely simmer anytime soon.

Pakistan in The New Great Game: On Gwadar Port

Markus Markert • Oct 26 2015 • Essays

The port of Gwadar (Baluchistan, Pakistan) is a site of potential major geopolitical importance. There, Pakistan, China, India & the US are vying for strategic influence.

Australian National Security and Climate Change

Melanie Davey • Oct 22 2015 • Essays

Schwartz and Randall’s hypotheses based upon their influential climate change report have missed the mark in predicting the current geo-political climate in Australia

Drones and Radicalisation in Pakistan

Markus Markert • Oct 19 2015 • Essays

Relations between US drone strikes in Pakistan, the Pakistani state & ‘radicalisation’ is complex, bound up with secrecy, information problems & economic interests.

The Fundamental Dynamics of East Asia Security by PRC Maritime Expansion

HyunJung Kim • Oct 19 2015 • Essays

China is seeking to construct a Sino-centric order. However, Chinese foreign policy aims cause debate over whether or not its expansion is a threat to regional security.

Was Britain a ‘Good International Citizen’ under the Blair Government?

Lewis Stott • Oct 11 2015 • Essays

Whilst it may be a stretch to call Britain a GIC under Blair, he certainly presided over a distinct change in the use of ethics and morality in FP decisions.

The Dilemma of Middle Eastern Democracy

Ahmed Elsayed • Oct 4 2015 • Essays

The seemingly infertile soil for democracy in the Middle East can be better understood by primarily examining the hindering role of the coercive apparatus in the region.

How Has China Been Safeguarding Its Oil Imports from the Middle East and Africa?

Nikola Zadzorova • Oct 4 2015 • Essays

Although oil is significant for Chinese economic development, the country’s ‘peaceful rise’ advocated as Chinese strategy of development should be called into question.

Crouching Tiger, Blue Helmet: Chinese Combat Troops in UN Peace Operations

Adam Moscoe • Oct 3 2015 • Essays

Introduction of combat soldiers reaffirms China’s commitment to support the fulfillment of UN peacekeeping mandates—mandates that China endorsed in the Security Council.

Does Successful Diplomacy Rely on ‘Ripe Moments’?

Christian Scheinpflug • Sep 20 2015 • Essays

Challenging the academic consensus, the discussion and application of ripeness theory to concrete cases demonstrates the deficiency of notions of ‘ripe moments’.

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