Foreign Policy

Counterinsurgency and Female Engagement Teams in the War in Afghanistan

Gabrielle Cook • Aug 16 2015 •

Female Engagement Teams are the most resourceful way to engage with the female population of a host nation with dissimilar gender norms.

Thrice in a Century: The Canadian Military Involvement in Europe from 1951-1991

Emily Tsui • Aug 16 2015 • Essays

Canada’s military involvement in Europe from 1951-1991 was to protect its diplomatic image, contribute to international security, and protect its economic interests.

Are Migration Policies in Europe and America Creating More or Less 

Kristiana Eleftheria Papi • Aug 11 2015 • Essays

The EU and the US are increasingly portraying immigrant populations as threats to a nation’s security both in physical and figurative senses.

Dean Acheson’s Observation of Great Britain in 1962

Rita Deliperi • Aug 9 2015 • Essays

Despite 50 years passing, Dean Acheson’s belief about Great Britain still re-echoes in the British political debate: the hunt for a role has not reached its closure.

Shared Stewardship: A Solomonic Solution to the South China Sea Conflict

Sass Rogando Sasot • Aug 9 2015 • Essays

The Biblical story of King Solomon and the two mothers can serve as a metaphorical tool to conceive a possible way out of the South China Sea impasse.

The Impact of Nationalism on Chinese Foreign Policy Towards Japan

Mark Purvis • Jul 27 2015 • Essays

In China, the CCP promotes the narrative of humiliation as part of a nationalist discourse, projecting opposition outwards and making the CCP a harbinger of stability.

Unknown Knowns: A Groupthink Model on the U.S. Decision to go to War In Iraq

Vilde Rodin • Jul 25 2015 • Essays

There are clear indications that the decision making process in the buildup to the War in Iraq was influenced by groupthink, which ultimately led to a poor outcome.

Is Recent Asylum Migration Threatening Europe?

Assunta Soldovieri • Jul 20 2015 • Essays

Asylum seekers in the collective unconscious are perceived as a threat as numerous social and political platforms may push nationalist and sometimes, racist sentiments.

Neo-realism and Structural Liberalism: Can Anarchy Really Be Transcended?

Victoria Fajemilehin • Jul 20 2015 • Essays

With force employed as primary resort in international politics, how does the structural liberal argument of overcoming anarchy apply?

The Spratly Islands Dispute – A Discourse Analysis

Lin Alexandra Mortensgaard • Jul 19 2015 • Essays

A constructivist approach through discourse analysis as described by Lene Hansen highlights essential and previously neglected dynamics of the Spratly Islands dispute.

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