Foreign Policy

The Iraq Invasion: the Neoconservative Perspective

Lewis Stott • Sep 17 2015 • Essays

With the Bush doctrine, neoconservatives sought to maintain American unipolar power, believing in the exceptionalism of the US and their benign role as global hegemon.

Was George W. Bush’s Foreign Policy Agenda Unprecedented in US history?

Paige Barclay • Sep 17 2015 • Essays

The Bush Administration’s national security doctrine after the September 11 attacks represents continuity with previous US foreign policy

The Impact of the “Unipolar Moment” on US Foreign Policies in the Mid-East

Yasemin Oezel • Sep 13 2015 • Essays

In analyzing US foreign policies in 2003 Iraq and comparing them to the civil war in Syria, America’s foreign policy has experienced a shift but it was never unipolar.

The Importance of Neoconservatism Since 9/11 Has Been Much Overstated

Lucie Parker • Sep 9 2015 • Essays

9/11 didn’t change the world’s threats; it changed the perceptions of these threats, sparking a re-evaluation of U.S. national security policy.

A Bone in the Throat: An Analysis on the Origins of the Berlin Wall

Emily Tsui • Sep 6 2015 • Essays

The construction of the Berlin Wall was a product of the refugee crisis, challenges to the Khrushchev’s leadership, and the USSR’s failed diplomacy with the West.

Are India and China on a Collision Course of Maritime Strategies?

Andreas Fabian • Sep 6 2015 • Essays

The Chinese and Indian maritime strategies and their aspirations have disposed two powers into a collision course in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).

Assessing the Obama-Medvedev Reset in US-Russia Relations

Ilya Ulyanov • Sep 3 2015 • Essays

The U.S.-Russian relationship remains a selective partnership, where Moscow and Washington cooperate on some issues, because of common interests, and disagree on others.

The Remnants of the Japanese Occupation of Modern Indonesia

Alexander Vincent Beck • Aug 30 2015 • Essays

While Dutch occupation saw Indonesia divided and ruled, policy under Japan had a unifying effect on Indonesian society and stimulated its revolt.

How Has the Human Rights Regime Been Affected by 9/11 and the ‘War on Terror’?

Vilde Skorpen Wikan • Aug 30 2015 • Essays

No evidence continues to exist that states’ prioritization of security interests over international norms has disrupted the institutions of the human rights regime.

How Does Science Diplomacy Cope with Challenges Facing Diplomacy More Broadly?

Edwina Hollander • Aug 30 2015 • Essays

Diplomacy and science diplomacy are vulnerable to the machinations of states and the repercussions of this interaction at the domestic, bilateral and multilateral levels.

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