Foreign Policy

The Impact of Nationalism on Chinese Foreign Policy Towards Japan

Mark Purvis • Jul 27 2015 • Essays

In China, the CCP promotes the narrative of humiliation as part of a nationalist discourse, projecting opposition outwards and making the CCP a harbinger of stability.

Unknown Knowns: A Groupthink Model on the U.S. Decision to go to War In Iraq

Vilde Rodin • Jul 25 2015 • Essays

There are clear indications that the decision making process in the buildup to the War in Iraq was influenced by groupthink, which ultimately led to a poor outcome.

Is Recent Asylum Migration Threatening Europe?

Assunta Soldovieri • Jul 20 2015 • Essays

Asylum seekers in the collective unconscious are perceived as a threat as numerous social and political platforms may push nationalist and sometimes, racist sentiments.

Neo-realism and Structural Liberalism: Can Anarchy Really Be Transcended?

Victoria Fajemilehin • Jul 20 2015 • Essays

With force employed as primary resort in international politics, how does the structural liberal argument of overcoming anarchy apply?

The Spratly Islands Dispute – A Discourse Analysis

Lin Alexandra Mortensgaard • Jul 19 2015 • Essays

A constructivist approach through discourse analysis as described by Lene Hansen highlights essential and previously neglected dynamics of the Spratly Islands dispute.

Explaining South Korean Policy Toward the United States, 1987-2014

Joshua Hyung Joon Byun • Jul 12 2015 • Essays

Despite elements of disagreement in its policy outlook, Seoul has been eager to remain a valuable and contributing member in the US-led regional and global architecture.

The Reagan Administration’s Strategic Defense Initiative during the Cold War

Ramin Karbasi • Jul 7 2015 • Essays

The decision to pursue the protracted, costly, and dubious SDI, the technology for which was not fully understood by US leadership, was ineffective and ultimately unwise.

On the Possibility of Nuclear Disarmament

Sam Ling Gibson • Jul 7 2015 • Essays

While nuclear disarmament is a technical possibility, the deterrence logic behind such weapons makes their relinquishment a near impossibility.

Ukraine Conflict: The Final Push For Peace

Peter J. Marzalik • Jun 17 2015 • Essays

The Minsk Protocols have gradually paved the road toward peace, but serious problems remain both in the formulation and implementation of the agreement.

Why Doesn’t Iran Want the Bomb?

Torgeir Pande Braathen • Jun 17 2015 • Essays

When adding up the potential benefits and impediments, Iran will unlikely upgrade its current civilian nuclear programme to a military nuclear weapons programme.

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