Foreign Policy

Can the “Peace through Law” Approach Work?

Dominik Zimmermann • Apr 10 2014 • Essays

Despite criticisms, the ‘peace through law’ approach to international law is a functional & realistic one, and it enables the daily functioning of international law.

Rhetoric, Perspectives, and Reactions of the Soviet Union to US-China Relations

Adam Moscoe • Apr 4 2014 • Essays

By lacking a coherent strategy, the Soviet Union failed to acknowledge the possibility that the US could be seeking an easing of tensions with both communist superpowers.

The Permissive Promise

Eric Lenier Ives • Apr 2 2014 • Essays

International law seeks to codify the international playing field. However, it is an essentially elastic & permissive system reflecting real-world power distributions.

Getting Japan Wrong: A Review of David Kang’s ‘Describing East Asia’

Paul Winter • Mar 23 2014 • Essays

Japan’s perception of China cannot be described as an ‘absence of fear.’ Rather, the dichotomous Sino-Japanese relationship is one of ‘hot economics, cold politics’.

Who Might be ‘Othered’ in Today’s Development Debates?

Hannah Eastwood • Mar 22 2014 • Essays

The postcolonial concept of the ‘Other’ puts power in binary terms & disempowers woman – women & policymakers should abandon the concept but retain cultural sensitivity.

The Major Limits to Naval Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region

Stefanie Kam • Mar 17 2014 • Essays

Due to crucial political, strategic, military and security difficulties, the Asia-Pacific region is experiencing less naval cooperation than the Western nations.

Pre-Emption and Israeli Decision-Making in 1967 and 1973

Sara Sudetic • Mar 16 2014 • Essays

Israel felt vulnerable in 1967, but in 1973 Israeli leaders decided against pre-emption, due to overwhelming military self-confidence and new-found strategic depth.

Capitalism & Insecurity: How Promoting Western Values Fails to Create Peace

Rusu Mihai Alin • Mar 13 2014 • Essays

The spread of capitalism in globalisation does not spread nor create peace, but rather, creates the conditions in which conflicts, exploitation and insecurities arise.

The Fracturing of the Syrian Resistance Coalition and the Tripolar Civil War

David Reas • Mar 7 2014 • Essays

The transformation of the Syrian Civil War from a bipolar to a tripolar conflict came from incompatible visions of Syria’s future within the Syrian Resistance Coalition.

John Mearsheimer’s Theory of Offensive Realism and the Rise of China

Sverrir Steinsson • Mar 6 2014 • Essays

Lacking internal coherence, Mearsheimer’s theory ultimately fails to provide a logically consistent basis for the view that China’s rise will be unpeaceful.

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