Foreign Policy

Successfully Implementing Ethical Foreign Policy

Emily Clews • Oct 31 2013 • Essays

Rather than as a consistent and self-standing construction, ethical foreign policy is dependent upon the underlying domestic and political context of the State in question.

Liberalism: Another Tool of Western Hegemony

Charlotte Langridge • Oct 30 2013 • Essays

The West’s increasingly aggressive nature of exporting liberalism is actually working to delegitimize its own hegemony, creating cracks in the self-perpetuating liberal world order.

The Role of the Media During the Cold War

Alexander Stafford • Oct 26 2013 • Essays

Evolving from radio and print into TV during the Cold War years, the media’s role in the production, contribution, and maintenance of Cold War antagonism cannot be understated.

Has Russia Become a Destablising Force in the World Today?

Matt Finucane • Oct 22 2013 • Essays

Modern Russia is a status quo power, only acting in response to NATO and US-backed actions without intent to enlarge its territorial or military influence beyond its own region.

Deepening Socio-Economic Relations Across Taiwan Straits

Chris Barker • Oct 20 2013 • Essays

While socio-economic relations encourage a peaceful era in the short to medium term, political realism severely constrains the development of these relations the in the long term.

Pros and Cons of the UK-US Special Relationship

Giulia Valentini • Oct 4 2013 • Essays

Since World War II, the United Kingdom and the United States have enjoyed an extremely close “special relationship” in the areas of military intervention, defense, and the economy.

Iran’s Rational Response For Nuclear Capability

Samuel Abbott • Oct 4 2013 • Essays

With Israel not a member of the NPT, coupled with being labeled the greatest threat to the US, Iran is making a rational move in seeking nuclear capability to deter abroad threats.

Iranian-Israeli Nuclear Relations: A ‘New’ Cold War?

Cristina Varriale • Sep 28 2013 • Essays

Could the Iranian acquisition of nuclear weapons spark an arms race in the Middle East? The Waltzian theory of Cold War nuclear relations shows that claims for a ‘new’ Cold War are insufficient.

European Efforts to Protect Maritime Commerce in the Indian Ocean, 2007-2012

Rafal Nedzarek • Sep 11 2013 • Essays

The EU and the governments of some of its member states share a growing concern about the emerging threats to maritime commerce passing through the Indian Ocean.

The Politics of Surveillance in a Risk Society

Connor Lattimer • Sep 5 2013 • Essays

The War on Terror marked a new security culture of anticipatory surveillance problematic in producing a sense of security that stretches beyond the political realm.

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