Foreign Policy

The 1940 Election and US Foreign Policy

Luke Devoy • Jun 6 2013 • Essays

FDR was able to traverse the minefield of elections without changing the substance of his policies, due to his political skill, favourable events, and the approach of his opposition.

To What Extent is Nuclear Deterrence Important in the Post-Cold War World?

Giorgio Bertolin • Jun 4 2013 • Essays

The reintroduction of strategies contemplating the use of nuclear weapons by non-state actors has forced traditional deterrence theories to expand to fit a new security environment.

Regime Theory and Environmental Security in the Arctic

Anne Konrad • May 31 2013 • Essays

The Arctic nations may fail in their commitments to cooperate and protect the environment, choosing instead to maximize national interests.

Response to ‘The Quirks of Nuclear Deterrence’

Andrew Burrows-Johnson • May 24 2013 • Essays

Deterrence can be a valuable tool in a policy maker’s arsenal, but its successful application is uncertain, so finding alternative means of ensuring security should be a priority.

What are the Main Factors Limiting the Power of the United States in World Politics?

Guy Walford • May 24 2013 • Essays

China has recently sought a much greater interest in developing their public diplomacy, in order to harness greater soft power, and develop a more positive world image.

Who Rules Russia?

Anna Derinova • May 22 2013 • Essays

The Russian political structure is neither a homogeneous entity nor an authoritarian system or business oligarchy; instead, it is a complex tripolar system presided over by Putin.

Did the United States Occupation of Iraq Fail?

Chris Barker • May 17 2013 • Essays

An increasingly important factor in relation to the difficulties experienced by the CPA in its attempt at neo-liberalisation is the ‘everyday’ Iraqi’s opinion on the process.

The United States’ Need to Ratify the Rome Statute

Sydney McKenney • May 17 2013 • Essays

By refusing to ratify the Rome Statue, the US shrinks from its international obligations, disrespects the law of nations, and fails to play a role in advancing international law.

Shake Hands with the Devil: The Journey of Romeo Dallaire

Joshua Fenlon • May 13 2013 • Essays

The geopolitical imaginations in the film ‘Shake Hands with the Devil’ offer a unique inside-out perspective from the position of one man, Romeo Dallaire, and his experience of Rwandan genocide.

The Impact of Media on Foreign Policy

Iakov Frizis • May 10 2013 • Essays

The media affects the structure of both the domestic and international system and has influenced the way international actors interact, thus indirectly impacting foreign policy.

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