Foreign Policy

Securitization, Democratization and Aid Distribution

Kathryn Brunton • Mar 15 2013 • Essays

Post 9/11 there has been an increased securitization of development issues, shifting aid conditionalities to behaviour supportive of the “War on Terror”.

Do Human Rights Challenge State Sovereignty?

Daria Jarczewska • Mar 15 2013 • Essays

While human rights do challenge state sovereignty, they do so mainly at the conceptual level. In practice their capacity to interfere with states’ domestic affairs is severely limited.

Hanging By A Thread? China, America and the New Silk Road

Joseph Anstee • Mar 2 2013 • Essays

The Chinese concept of a New Silk Road is based around over forty thousand kilometres of railways in three corridors across the Eurasian continent dubbed the ‘Eurasian Land Bridge’.

The International Implications of China’s Water Policies

Jessica Williams • Feb 15 2013 • Essays

China’s water policies will increase regional and international tensions, but will also prevent China’s economy from stalling, which could destabilize the entire international system.

International Intervention as a Failing Concept

Thomas M. Dunn • Jan 20 2013 • Essays

International interventions appear to be legitimised on moral, ethical and humanitarian grounds, but often they are abused as a weapon of realpolitik whilst facing calls of imperialism.

Thinking About Free Trade: The Role of Ideas in Shaping Trade Regimes

Emma Bell-Scollan • Jan 11 2013 • Essays

Trade regimes of the late 19th century and post-War era shared a common root in liberal economic theory, but fostered opposing policies on government intervention in domestic markets.

SAARC: United Dream or Regional Nightmare?

Nikita Malik • Jan 10 2013 • Essays

Weak institutions, norms, and domestic regimes play key roles in explaining the lack of success of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation in sustaining collaboration.

Is a World without Nuclear Weapons a Realistic Prospect?

Thomas M. Dunn • Jan 9 2013 • Essays

It is the possibility of terrist groups and rogue states acquiring nuclear weapons that force the existing nuclear powers to retain overwhelming nuclear capabilities.

Evolution of the Responsibility to Protect

Nico Smit • Jan 7 2013 • Essays

The moral standing and credibility of the US and UK have weakened following Iraq, thus negatively impacting their ability to build international commitment to the R2P principle.

European Union Democracy Promotion: The Case of Bahrain

Benjamin Ledwon • Jan 5 2013 • Essays

While the EU has achieved successes in promoting democracy in its immediate neighbourhood, its normative foreign policy has been less successful within a global context.

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