Foreign Policy

What is the Best Grand Strategy for the United States in 2012?

Sean Paul Ashley • Aug 9 2012 • Essays

The fixity of US overseas interests – control over oil and waterways – and the erosion of global unipolarity must serve as the central bases for any viable grand strategic proposal.

The United Nations System: How Australia can Punch Above its Weight

Scott Limbrick • Aug 7 2012 • Essays

Engagement with the UN should be prioritised in Australia’s foreign policy, requiring a rethink of diplomatic capacity and the development of a broad platform for engagement.

The Implications of Statelessness on the Politics of Protection

Elyse Wakelin • Aug 6 2012 • Essays

By ensuring that a person is entitled to the nationality where he is most linked, an individual is more likely to be able to effectively access the rights which are bestowed upon him.

Energy Sector FDI in Azerbaijan: An Example of Good Governance?

Timothy Frayne • Aug 5 2012 • Essays

Natural resources in Azerbaijan attract significant FDI, but dependence on oil-sector revenues does not always suggest good governance.

Constructing Responsibility: Sovereignty and Intervention in the Wake of Libya

Paulo M. Rodriguez • Aug 1 2012 • Essays

If states act according to self-interest and material capacity, as the dominant paradigm suggests, why do values and common humanity even matter?

A Critical Evaluation of Mikhail Gorbachev’s Role in Ending the Cold War

Rafal Nedzarek • Jul 30 2012 • Essays

Although Gorbachev’s merit in ending the Cold War has been eroded by new evidence, it was his skillful diplomacy that prevented its violent end.

Why Did ‘Intelligence’ Fail Britain and America in Iraq?

Nicholas Lawrence Adams • Jul 25 2012 • Essays

The intelligence gathered on Iraq featured a mixture of analytical failures, overstatement, misinterpretation and an overreliance on previous knowledge.

The Chinese Challenge to the Monroe Doctrine

Robbie Murray Fergusson • Jul 23 2012 • Essays

China is rapidly expanding into the Western Hemisphere. While this is a challenge, treating it as a threat may be detrimental to American security and interests via the creation of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

‘Groupthink’ and US Foreign Policy

Jean-Baptiste Tai-Sheng Jacquet • Jul 17 2012 • Essays

Groupthink represents a crucial aspect of US foreign policy and is a concept that scholars must not neglect when analysing this topic.

Was Blair’s Britain a ‘Good International Citizen’?

Zahra Yassim • Jul 16 2012 • Essays

Blair’s Britain was more of a ‘good enough international citizen’ than a ‘good international citizen’ owing to the disparity between its foreign policy-making rhetoric and its policy actions

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