Foreign Policy

Bush and US Foreign Policy: Change or Continuity?

Sam Randfield • Jul 3 2012 • Essays

In terms of fundamental principles Bush’s pre- and post-9/11 foreign policy strategies did not differ dramatically from each other or from historical norms.

An Examination of Decisions to Intervene in Libya and Syria

Paul Stokes • Jun 23 2012 • Essays

The crises in Libya and Syria, whilst similar in nature, have elicited very different reactions from the international community over the past year.

R2P: Alive and Well or the Road to Hell?

Jordan Street • Jun 22 2012 • Essays

With torture reportedly rife, tens of thousands of Libyans in early graves, and a government instilled that could be as bad as the last, the people of Libya are far from protected.

Strategic Culture and Divergent Security Policies of European States

Frank Komrij • Jun 17 2012 • Essays

The concept of strategic culture is highly useful for explaining the diverging security policies and practices of European states, as it provides a reason why strategic behavior is resistant to change.

The Rational Logic Behind North Korea’s Military Diplomacy

Nicholas Lawrence Adams • Jun 14 2012 • Essays

There is a rational logic behind North Korea’s military diplomacy, which intertwines national identity, military first politics, and domestic internal strife under the leadership of the Kim family.

The Arab Spring and a Liberal Analysis of US and EU Foreign Policies

Emina Ademovic • Jun 13 2012 • Essays

The US and EU’s foreign policies towards the Middle East and North Africa are certainly influenced by the Arab Spring. Indeed, the changes taking place in the Arab world must be handled carefully by these powerful actors.

How Accurate is Democratic Peace Theory?

James Bingham • Jun 1 2012 • Essays

Democratic peace theory is far from being a clear-cut scientific model, however, when we ask, ‘Is peace between democracies more likely than peace between differing political leaderships?’ the answer must be a conditional yes.

Flight of the Drone: Geopolitical Analysis of Drone Warfare over the Gaza Strip

Connor Lattimer • May 31 2012 • Essays

This paper critically analyses how the Hermes 450 and UCAVs as objects project political power in territorial conflicts and disputes.

Will Sino-U.S. Relations Eventually Lead to War?

George Sims • May 29 2012 • Essays

The relationship between the US and China can be seen as one of opportunity and a cause for concern. Flashpoints like Taiwan, energy acquisition and military capabilities could lead to conflict if left unresolved.

EU Member States and Asylum Policy: Theoretical Approaches

Mallory A. Inzetta • May 28 2012 • Essays

Neither neo-functionalism nor liberal intergovernmentalism provides a superior explanation for why EU member states have ceded some of their sovereignty with regards to asylum policy. Ultimately it is a combination of the two theories that provides the best explanation.

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