Foreign Policy

CPEC: An Assessment of Its Socio-economic Impact on Pakistan

Ashmita Rana • Mar 10 2022 • Essays

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has been underwhelming, plagued by shortcomings in the project itself and from the nature of governance and politics in Pakistan.

To Reform the World or to Close the System? International Law and World-making

Emil Sondaj Hansen • Feb 20 2022 • Essays

A comparative investigation of two scholarly works on the development of international law in its context of the international system.

Neorealism: Internal Debates and Relevance to Space Militarisation

Joshua James Hudson • Feb 10 2022 • Essays

This essay explores the contention of neorealism with other strands of realist thinking, as well as applies neorealism to explain the continuing space militarisation.

NATO and Russia: A Defensive Expansion?

Julian Izzo • Jan 31 2022 • Essays

An exclusive NATO expansion created lopsided gains, violating the strategic balance between Russia and the West.

North Korea’s Withdrawal from the NPT: Neorealism and Selectorate Theory

Su Bai • Jan 27 2022 • Essays

Both neorealism and the selectorate theory show that North Korea’s demand for nuclear weapons strongly correlates with a large US military presence in East Asia.

On Reagan’s Legacy: A Comparison with Trump and Biden

Rob May • Jan 23 2022 • Essays

In considering approaches to avert conflict, it may be useful to assess the legacy of President Ronald Reagan, whose administration stewarded the end of the first cold war.

Police Brutality Against Voters? The 2017 Catalan Independence Referendum

Marlena Mazura • Jan 12 2022 • Essays

The essay examines alleged policy brutality accusations during the Catalan independence referendum in 2017.

Prestige Aid: The Case of Turkey

Henok Gebremedhin Teka • Dec 21 2021 • Essays

The study of foreign aid is one of the most contested topics in IR. For Turkey, it is argued that prestige has been the centerpiece of its aid policy since the 1990s.

The Non-Politics of the Responsibility to Protect Through a Securitisation Lens

Thomas Pritchard • Dec 17 2021 • Essays

For Libya, a revised securitisation framework categorises R2P as a pragmatic securitisation act-type, where non-political language justifies military action.

Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge: U.S. Arms Transfer Policy

Patrick Scott • Dec 13 2021 • Essays

The U.S. policy aimed at securing and maintaining Israel’s qualitative military edge aims to promote Israeli security in a historically hostile region for Israel.

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